Volunteers in the Waynesville R-VI School District

The Waynesville R-VI School District and various Community Resource Office groups use volunteers from the community in many ways. Volunteers serve as chaperons at school events, teachers' assistants during class, lead activities at Club TIGER or WIN, and much more. Every hour logged in the database is valued at $33.49. While the district does not receive or account for this, the value of volunteer hours logged assists with grant reporting requirements. New volunteer opportunities are constantly opening!
To become a volunteer, complete and sign the required application and background check (2-sided) form and return it to the Community Resource Office located at the west end of Williams Early Childhood Center or turn it into your child's school. Once your form has been processed and approved, you will receive a phone call or email to schedule a time to have your volunteer badge created. (Badges: Off Post at Parker Education Center; On Post at the Community Resource Office)
The background check can take up to two weeks or more to process. Please return the volunteer application form as early as possible.
District approved background checks are good for one year. You will be notified by email, one month before the expiration, to submit a new background check.
Please download and complete AND SIGN both pages of the Volunteer Application or download and complete the fillable form (which still requires signatures). Both forms include the Family Care Safety Registration Form if you are interested in volunteering.
If you have any questions or need help with your background check form, please click here for the Community Resource Office contact information.
Opportunities include:
Rocking Chair Reader
Help in the Library or with Book Fairs
Help with Activity Nights/Carnivals
Snack in a Pack
Classroom Assistance
Office Help
Become a WayConnect Mentor (see below)
Become a Partner on Patrol (see below)
For more details, please click on the link below.
Volunteer as a WayConnect Mentor
WayConnect Overview:
WayConnect provides students with highly qualified and effective mentors who engage students in asset-building activities to build skills for school success, attendance, and problem solving. Mentors serve as positive role models and motivate students to become their best. They offer students a pathway to expand their life perspectives, overcome obstacles and build on their strengths to make positive choices and develop essential school and life skills. Mentors are not case managers or therapists. They are caring adults committed and skilled at building relationships with young people.
Volunteer as a Partner on Patrol
Partners on Patrol Overview:
The Waynesville R-VI School District piloted its Partners on Patrol volunteer program – modeled after the Positive Presence Promotion developed by the national “Dads on Duty” program – in January at Waynesville Middle School.
A Partner on Patrol volunteer will spend at least one hour each week being a positive presence in the hallways at WMS, while assisting with supervising 7th and 8th grade students between classes. Partners on Patrol do not replace principals or school resources officers, but instead deliver big smiles, dispense positive affirmations, and perhaps share a few corny jokes while increasing adult visibility and presence.
A partner on patrol is an adult community member who:
provides a positive influence to help create a safe school environment
increases visibility and adult presence
provides encouragement while assisting with supervising students
Partners on Patrol volunteers must complete a background check (available for download on a link above). Background check forms are also available at schools and at the Administration Building. Once approved, partners on patrol will attend a brief training session and then pick a time to be present for at least one hour each week.
Volunteers in the Waynesville R-VI School District
AmeriCorps Service Description
Coordinator of Grant Management
"What I Need" (WIN) 6-12 After School Program Goals
Fillable Volunteer Application