Partners in Education (PIE)

Mission:  The Partnership in Education (PIE) sponsorship program creates a consistent, positive, reciprocal relationship between the military community and the area education facilities in order to nurture the intellectual, emotional, social and physical growth of children and youth in the greater Fort Leonard Wood area.

PIE Background

PIE has often been thought to be part of the Adopt-a-School and tutoring programs, and historically has been the primary way the military (especially units) supported schools. The PIE concept has changed and represents a paradigm shift in the way the military community will support schools to enhance the potential for academic success of military children/youth.


PIE Unit(s)

Williams Early Childhood Center


Parker Education Center


East Elementary

31st Engineer Battalion

Freedom Elementary

84th Chemical Battalion

Partridge Elementary

2-10 Infantry Battalion

Wood Elementary

Air Force 368th Training Squadron

Thayer Elementary

1-48th Infantry Battalion

Waynesville Sixth Grade Center

795th Military Police Battalion

Waynesville Middle School

701st Military Police Battalion

Waynesville High School

787th Military Police Battalion

Waynesville Career Center

787th Military Police Battalion

Alternative Education Program

US Navy Detachment