About Snack in a Pack

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Snack in a Pack (SIAP) is a supplemental food program that feeds approximately 650 students in the Waynesville R-VI School District over weekends and extended school breaks. SIAP is a 100% donation-driven program that relies on the generosity of its partners, donors, and community volunteers to continue its mission to feed hungry children and improve educational success.

Together, we can all make a significant change in the mission to alleviate food insecurity in our schools and community. To make a difference, donate here.

If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser or setting up a Snack in a Pack donation box for your location, please email spack@waynesville.k12.mo.us or call (573) 842-2250 for more information. 

Purchase from the SIAP Amazon wishlist.

Snack in a Pack Donation