How to Make a Difference
In-Kind Donations
Purchase from the SIAP Amazon wishlist.
SIAP accepts non-perishable in-kind food donations to be used in each snack pack. Below is a list of items used in weekly and holiday packs. These donations can be dropped off at Pick Educational and Volunteer Facility, any Waynesville R-VI School District building, or look for our bright yellow boxes around the community.

Weekend pack items:
Small cereal
Peanut butter/ cheese crackers
Ramen noodles or noodle cups
Canned or pouch chicken
Canned or pouched tuna
Instant oatmeal
Beans and Franks
Canned Ravioli
Chicken noodle soup
Fruit/ vegetable cups
Maccaroni and cheese cups
Granola bars
Holiday and extended break items:
Bagged or boxed cereal
Instant/individual maccaroni and cheese packets or cups
Boxed crackers
Canned fruit or vegetables
Peanut butter (plastic bottle)
Jelly (plastic bottle)
SIAP accepts monetary donations in both cash and checks. The cost to feed one child for the school year is $200. Donations in any form are greatly appreciated!
Adopt-a-Shelf Sponsor Form
Please make checks payable to Waynesville R-VI School District with SIAP on the memo line. Checks can be dropped off or mailed to:
Snack in a Pack
Community Resource Office
12225 Pulaski Ave, Bldg. 8041
Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473
If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser, or setting up a Snack in a Pack donation box for your location, please email Email Snack Pack or call (573) 842-2250 for more information.