CRO Location
Community Resource Office Directions and Instructions
The Community Resource Office is located in the west end of Williams Early Childhood Center on the Fort Leonard Wood. To gain access to Fort Leonard Wood, you must obtain a visitor's pass from the Visitor's Center located at the Main Gate on Missouri Avenue. To obtain a visitor's pass you must provide: a valid drivers license, proof of vehicle insurance, and valid vehicle registration.
Once you've obtained your visitor's pass, exit the Visitor's Center parking lot and continue on through the main (north) gate on Missouri Avenue until the first intersection. At the traffic light, turn right onto Pulaski Avenue. Williams Early Childhood Center, Building 8041, is the second building on the left. To access the Community Resource Office, use the west entrance of the building (directly across from Young Street).

If you have any questions or need additional help before gaining access to Fort Leonard Wood, please call our office at 573-842-2250, or the Fort Leonard Wood Visitor's Center at 573-596-0590.