10 months ago, Cat Poole
Information Graphic
Waynesville Middle School has announced the following free camp: · Middle School Soccer Camp Monday-Thursday starting April 29 3-5 p.m. at Waynesville Middle School Slaughter Field. Registration for grades 6-8 is open now at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdjXs2UfCa-WwJuDeY3UAjtMLo2vDJrEK92fW4o3Z0ugr7hg/viewform Notes There is no fee for this camp. If you are signing up multiple students for this camp, you will need to register each student separately. Any individual not registered prior to registration closing will not be permitted to attend. #wayschools
10 months ago, Cat Poole
The Waynesville R-VI Board of Education elected new officers on April 15, 2024, as follows: President Janel Rowell; Vice President Rick Harne, Secretary Andy Anderson and Treasurer Charles Quinn. Members also include Aaron Pondrom, Layne Lercher and Mike Keeling. Cutlines: Megan Ace swears in Mike Keeling and Janel Rowell following their election on April 2 to the Waynesville R-VI Board of Education. They will each serve a three-year term. Superintendent Hilary Bales presents a House Resolution from State Rep. Bill Hardwick to outgoing Board President Paul D. Shultz II who did not seek reelection. Shultz served on the board for nine years, the last six as president. Superintendent Hilary Bales recognized the outgoing officers for their service: President Paul Shultz II, Vice President Rick Harne, Secretary Janel Rowell as Board and Treasurer Andy Anderson. #wayschools
11 months ago, Cat Poole
School board members
School board members
School board members
School board members
School board members
The public is invited to attend both of these events. #wayschools
11 months ago, Cat Poole
Information Graphic
USO volunteers, staff from the USO Missouri and Culver's team leaders handed out Culver's custard sundaes to all Waynesville Sixth Grade Center students and staff on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, in celebration of April being the Month of the Military Child. Culver's leadership team members flew in from Wisconsin to help serve at the Waynesville Sixth Grade Center and East Elementary. They included Culver's President and CEO Rick Silva, COO Jim Esposito, and Abby Bucchholz, the social media and digital media marketer. In addition, the local St.Robert Culver’s Owner Shawn Morris helped serve, along with Zachary Henley, Paul Hammell and other team members. USO Executive Director Amanda Schmidt (Missouri and Kansas) and Center Operations Manager Kelly Brownfield (Fort Leonard Wood), USO staff members and USO volunteers also helped serve the custard. Each year the USO Missouri partners with Culver’s to give away custard sundaes to all students and staff in Waynesville R-VI School schools in celebration of the Month of the Military Child. About 60 to 70 percent of all Waynesville R-VI students are military impacted. Superintendent Hilary Bales welcomed everyone and thanked them for preparing and serving thousands of sundaes and recognizing all Waynesville R-VI students during the Month of the Military Child. #wayschools
11 months ago, Cat Poole
Culvers delivering ice cream
Culvers delivering ice cream
Culvers delivering ice cream
Culvers delivering ice cream
Culvers delivering ice cream
Culvers delivering ice cream
Culvers delivering ice cream
Culvers delivering ice cream
Culvers delivering ice cream
Waynesville sixth graders are learning the concepts of energy transformation and energy conservation by making observations using everyday objects in their science labs. Team Spectacular students rotated among stations, making calculations and recording their observations. #wayschools
11 months ago, Cat Poole
WSGC Students
WSGC Students
WSGC Students
WSGC Students
11 months ago, Cat Poole
Information Graphic
Kindergarten Kickoff for the Waynesville R-VI School District will be held at 5:30 p.m. May 1 at Parker Educational Center, 909 U.S. Route 66 in Waynesville. To be eligible to attend kindergarten in the 2024-25 school year, a student must be age 5 before Aug. 1, 2024.
11 months ago, Marianne Ward
Kindergarten Kickoff will be held at 5:30 p.m. May 1 at Parker Educational Center.
Emergency vehicles will be using their sirens as they transport athletes who are participating in Special Olympics at Waynesville High School today, Friday, April 12, 2024. They will be driving from the Waynesville City Park to WHS Tiger Stadium. #wayschools
11 months ago, Cat Poole
Apply today using the link below; https://www.applitrack.com/waynesville/onlineapp/ #wayschools
11 months ago, Cat Poole
Hiring custodians flyer
Apply today using the link below; https://www.applitrack.com/waynesville/onlineapp/ #wayschools
11 months ago, Cat Poole
Special Education Flyer
Applications for Parker Preschool due tomorrow! Parker Preschool in Waynesville is now taking applications for PRESCHOOL students for the 2024-25 school year. Forty preschool students will be selected for the program through a random lottery. Applications for the lottery will close at 4 p.m. TOMORROW, Friday, April 12, 2024. Parents who are interested in enrolling their students at Parker may apply for the lottery at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1I4kLS-ybKn-ExuykdRSOvjJ_ek_UijyBbP-yNjemKJA/closedform. Please note that the link to the Google form will close at 4 p.m. on April 12. Eligibility to apply to be in the lottery drawing: · Students must turn age 4 before Aug. 1, to be eligible for Parker Preschool, which is located inside the Parker Educational Center, next to Waynesville Middle School. · Students must provide their child's transportation to and from the center · Students must reside within the boundaries of the Waynesville R-VI School District. Applicants will be chosen through a lottery drawing at 1 p.m. on April 25. Parents will be notified by May 3 if their child is accepted into the program. Students who are selected to attend through the random drawing will: · participate in a screening in June · need to complete the enrollment process with the Waynesville R-VI School District NOTE: The If you have any questions please email mmitchell@waynesville.k12.mo.us.
11 months ago, Cat Poole
Parker Educational Center
11 months ago, Cat Poole
Art Show Graphic
Waynesville sixth graders on Team Spectacular were encouraged to shoot rubber bands at paper tent targets in their science class on March 27, 2024. The hands-on activity helps demonstrate elastic potential energy and the transformation to kinetic energy. #wayschools
11 months ago, Cat Poole
WSGC Students
WSGC Students
WSGC Students
Snack In A Pack will host an all day fundraiser Monday, April 8, 2024, at Buffalo Wild Wings. The coupons listed show Williams Early Childhood Center however they can be used by all Waynesville R-VI students and families. All proceeds will go to our district wide Snack in a Pack program. #wayschools
11 months ago, Cat Poole
SIAP fundraising flyer
SIAP fundraising flyer
No school on Wednesday, April 3 There will be no school in the Waynesville R-VI School District on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, due to anticipated continued power outages at some of our schools. There will be no online instruction due to internet outages. Water, Warmth, and a Meal Free meals for students and their families will be served from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Waynesville High School, East Elementary and Partridge Elementary. (RSVP below.) We invite you to park your vehicle, come inside, eat lunch, warm up and fill up your water containers. We ask that at least one adult accompany children under age 12. The meal options will include chicken patty, grilled cheese or chili. Please let us know how many from your family will be coming by filling out the Google Form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTemTRkSFgDXhxTEw-TyzjNwiTyD18U1V5XOcd9ycsklabOg/viewform before 9 a.m. Wednesday so we can plan accordingly. The Waynesville R-VI School District extends a special thank you to OPAA! for working with the district to make this possible. Additional support If you are struggling and need help, please call your child’s school so we can provide assistance.
11 months ago, Marianne Ward
No school today April 3, 2024
There will be no school in the Waynesville R-VI School District today (Tuesday, April 2, 2024) due to widespread power outages and downed tree limbs in the area. For those students who were scheduled to go to Jefferson City today to the State Capitol for the kickoff of the Month of the Military Child, the trip will be made. If you are able to safely make it to your school this morning, please plan to arrive at the time that was previously scheduled. Students who are able to make the trip will need to be picked up at their schools at 2:15 p.m.
11 months ago, Marianne Ward
April 1-5 is Disability Acceptance Week
11 months ago, Marianne Ward
April 1-5 is Disability Acceptance Week
The Waynesville R-VI School District will offer Summer School May 30-June 27 for students entering grades K-12. There will be no summer school on June 19 in observance of Juneteenth. For summer school, students register for the grade level they will attend in the fall. Information on summer school programming is available on the district’s website at https://www.waynesville.k12.mo.us/Domain/1831. (Students who will be entering grades K-9 this fall will be bringing home paper copies of the brochures and registration forms later this week. High School students can pick up a paper copy of the form in the HS office. You can also print a copy of the forms from the webpage.) Please contact your student's school if you have additional questions. Again, the link to Summer School forms is https://www.waynesville.k12.mo.us/Domain/1831.
11 months ago, Marianne Ward
Summer School will be May 30-June 27
March is School Board Recognition Month in Missouri and the Waynesville R-VI Board of Education members will be recognized on Monday, March 25, 2024, for their dedicated service. President Paul Shultz II; Vice President Mr. Rick Harne, Treasurer Andy Anderson, Secretary Janel Rowell, and members: Charles Quinn, Aaron Pondrom and Layne Lercher. #wayschools
12 months ago, Cat Poole
School board