Social and Emotional Support
Intensive Intervention and Support:
Individual and small group school counseling
Lessons and support
Individual counseling with COMC school based therapist
Behavior Intervention Plan with Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) consultation
Social and emotional learning is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions.
Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
The Waynesville R-VI School District strives to bring awareness of the social emotional learning needs of students and how parents can help provide support for their child's social and emotional development through explicit SEL instruction and embedded SEL learning. Explicit SEL instruction is the direct teaching of concepts that are applicable to the development of social and emotional skills. For example, substance abuse prevention, health promotion and counselor led lessons. Embedded SEL learning is the indirect teaching of SEL concepts through academic curriculum as well as the creation of a safe, caring and engaging and participatory learning environment.
Some of the SEL Core Competencies we focus on are:
Responsible Decision Making
Relationship Skills
Social Awareness
How parents can support the SEL of their children at home
Share your own feelings and ask your child to share theirs as well. (self awareness)
Invite your child to talk about and share their experiences and emotions, “Tell Me More” (self awareness)
Teach and model healthy ways of managing stress, disappointment and anger. Model feeling management, such as taking a deep breath. (self management)
When reading together, watching a movie or TV show with your child, ask your child how they would feel if they were in a similar situation with the characters in a story. (social awareness)
Ask questions about a conflict that your child is experiencing in lieu of giving advice. Ex. What do you think your friend was thinking when that happened? How can you work to make things right?(relationship skills)
Use mealtime as a time to connect, share stories and learn about others. (relationship skills)
Create a physical activity and/or nutrition goal for the family. Write it down and tape it to the fridge! (responsible decision making)
Talk to your child about the consequences. What might happen if…..? How might your friend feel if…..? (responsible decision making)