No school on Wednesday, April 3 There will be no school in the Waynesville R-VI School District on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, due to anticipated continued power outages at some of our schools. There will be no online instruction due to internet outages. Water, Warmth, and a Meal Free meals for students and their families will be served from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Waynesville High School, East Elementary and Partridge Elementary. (RSVP below.) We invite you to park your vehicle, come inside, eat lunch, warm up and fill up your water containers. We ask that at least one adult accompany children under age 12. The meal options will include chicken patty, grilled cheese or chili. Please let us know how many from your family will be coming by filling out the Google Form at before 9 a.m. Wednesday so we can plan accordingly. The Waynesville R-VI School District extends a special thank you to OPAA! for working with the district to make this possible. Additional support If you are struggling and need help, please call your childā€™s school so we can provide assistance.
11 months ago, Marianne Ward
No school today April 3, 2024
There will be no school in the Waynesville R-VI School District today (Tuesday, April 2, 2024) due to widespread power outages and downed tree limbs in the area. For those students who were scheduled to go to Jefferson City today to the State Capitol for the kickoff of the Month of the Military Child, the trip will be made. If you are able to safely make it to your school this morning, please plan to arrive at the time that was previously scheduled. Students who are able to make the trip will need to be picked up at their schools at 2:15 p.m.
11 months ago, Marianne Ward
No school today April 2, 2024
April 1-5 is Disability Acceptance Week
11 months ago, Marianne Ward
April 1-5 is Disability Acceptance Week
The Waynesville R-VI School District will offer Summer School May 30-June 27 for students entering grades K-12. There will be no summer school on June 19 in observance of Juneteenth. For summer school, students register for the grade level they will attend in the fall. Information on summer school programming is available on the districtā€™s website at (Students who will be entering grades K-9 this fall will be bringing home paper copies of the brochures and registration forms later this week. High School students can pick up a paper copy of the form in the HS office. You can also print a copy of the forms from the webpage.) Please contact your student's school if you have additional questions. Again, the link to Summer School forms is
12 months ago, Marianne Ward
Summer School will be May 30-June 27
March is School Board Recognition Month in Missouri and the Waynesville R-VI Board of Education members will be recognized on Monday, March 25, 2024, for their dedicated service. President Paul Shultz II; Vice President Mr. Rick Harne, Treasurer Andy Anderson, Secretary Janel Rowell, and members: Charles Quinn, Aaron Pondrom and Layne Lercher. #wayschools
12 months ago, Cat Poole
School board
Parker Preschool in Waynesville is now taking applications for students for the 2024-25 school year. Forty students will be selected for the program through a random lottery. Parents who are interested in enrolling their students at Parker may begin applying for the lottery at 9 a.m. Monday, March 25, 2024, at Please note that the link to the Google form will close at 4 p.m. on April 12. Eligibility to apply to be in the lottery drawing: Ā· Students must turn age 4 before Aug. 1, to be eligible for Parker Preschool, which is located inside the Parker Educational Center, next to Waynesville Middle School. Ā· Students must provide their child's transportation to and from the center Ā· Students must reside within the boundaries of the Waynesville R-VI School District. Applicants will be chosen through a lottery drawing at 1 p.m. on April 25. Parents will be notified by May 3 if their child is accepted into the program. Students who are selected to attend through the random drawing will: Ā· participate in a screening in June Ā· need to complete the enrollment process with the Waynesville R-VI School District If the link above does not work after 9 a.m. on March 25, the application form will be available via a link on Parker Preschoolā€™s webpage. NOTE: The If you have any questions please email #wayschools
12 months ago, Cat Poole
Pre K dude
This week we celebrated AmeriCorps week in each of our buildings. AmeriCorps members are individuals enrolled for a specific term of service, ranging from 300 to 1700 hours, with the Waynesville AmeriCorps Program. AmeriCorps members are engaged in National Service and are not volunteers or employees. They play a unique role in our district. During the day, AmeriCorps members serve as tutors focusing on areas of math and literacy in order to help close learning gaps. They support Club Tiger or WIN after school programs by providing academic support and assisting in a variety of activities or clubs. Last year, the Waynesville AmeriCorps program enrolled two high school seniors to assist with Club Tiger. The number of high school seniors enrolled this year has greatly increased because of the prior year's success. The Snack in a Pack Program is managed AmeriCorps members, who actively engage in fundraising and recruiting volunteers to reduce food insecurity for students within the district. This week we celebrate and thank them for their service. Shown in the photo are: Front Row: Olivia Provart (year 1) Christina Johnson (year 1) Anke Barrientos (year 1) Esmeralda Lepe (year 1) Ashley Tyler (year 1) Katelynn Crouch (year 1) Middle Row: Ashley White (year 1) Victoria DeGraftenreed (year 1) Marielle King (year 2) Dacoda Zamiska (year 2) Cheryl Johnson (year 1) Janis Bellanger (year 2) Deborah Hodges (year 2) Between middle and back on right side: Mary Ann Crouch (year 1) Jade Jones (year 3) Jessica Ward (year 4) Back Row: Justin Lopez-Johnson (year 2) Nathaniel Tayler (year 1) Walt Derbidge (year 4) Janique Chestnut (year 2) Ashley Clever (year 1) Jorsan Morales (year 1) Collin DeSotel (year 4) Not pictured: Jill Kelly (year 3) Caleb Kelly (year 1) #wayschools
12 months ago, Cat Poole
12 months ago, Cat Poole
Wendys flyer
Waynesville JROTC cadets presented the Colors during the NAFIS (National Association of Federally Impacted Schools) Spring Conference on Monday, March 11, 2024, in Washington, D.C. ā€œI am so proud of how our JROTC Color Guard performed,ā€ said Superintendent Hilary Bales. ā€œTheir flawless presentation was clearly a result of their hours of rehearsal and preparation. I hope they always remember this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity when as high school students they presented the Colors in our nationā€™s Capital before the entire conference.ā€ The Waynesville High School cadets who participated are as follows: Ā· Cadet Lieutenant Colonel David Bennett Ā· Cadet Sergeant Major Nathaniel Copeland Ā· Cadet Major Avery Higdon Ā· Cadet Master Sergeant Joseph Mendiola Following the presentation of the Colors, Bennett spoke about his experiences with JROTC and being a military child to the entire conference. ā€œCadet Bennett was absolutely amazing,ā€ said Superintendent Hilary Bales. ā€œFar more than even the words he shared, David will be remembered for his resilience, sense of humor and leadership." The Color Guard, along with Skylar Ringo, who is also a WHS JROTC cadet, addressed all military schools at the MISA (Military Impacted Schools Association) breakfast to talk about struggles military students face with transitions, and how schools can best support them. ā€œAfterward, I was approached by many superintendents complimenting me about how well our students presented themselves, and how clearly they were able to share their experiences,ā€ Bales said. ā€œSeveral even stated that our students were their favorite part of the conference! I really could not have been more proud. Our students are awe-inspiring!ā€ About NAFIS The National Association of Federally Impacted Schools (NAFIS) represents the 1,100-plus federally impacted public school districts that together educate more than 10 million students across the nation. Federally impacted school districts are those located on or near nontaxable Federal propertyā€”including military installations; Indian Trust, Treaty and Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act lands; Federal low-income housing facilities; and national parks, national laboratories and other Federal buildings and property. These school districts, which are demographically and geographically diverse, receive Impact Aid. About MISA Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA) is a national organization of school superintendents whose mission is to serve school districts with a high concentration of military children. MISA is also part of the National Association of Federally Impacted Schools (NAFIS). Formed in 1986, MISA works on funding (Impact Aid), legislation, partnerships and programs for military families on the move. Education is an important quality of life program for military families. MISA partners with the Department of Defense Education Activity, National Military Family Association, and military leaders to ensure that all military children are afforded a quality education. MISA works with local school districts and commanders to highlight best practices and partnerships that can further meet the needs of military families. #wayschools
12 months ago, Cat Poole
JROTC students in DC
JROTC students in DC
JROTC students in DC
JROTC students in DC
JROTC students in DC
JROTC students in DC
about 1 year ago, Cat Poole
Spring forward graphic
The Waynesville JROTC Drill Team finished 3rd overall in the Leavenworth Drill Meet out of a field of 26 schools from Missouri, Kansas and Wisconsin on Feb. 24, 2024. This event also served as the 3rd ROTC Brigade Championship and 2024 Drill Nationals Qualifier. The results are as follows: Championship 3rd Place Overall (26 teams in 2 Divisions) Armed Division 3rd Place Overall Armed Regulation 2nd Place Armed Exhibition 5th Place Armed Color Guard 5th Place Unarmed Division 4th Place Overall Unarmed Regulation 4th Place Unarmed Exhibition 2nd Place Unarmed Color Guard 4th Place Unarmed Inspection 2nd Place Cadet Nathaniel Copeland finished in 7th place for Individual Drill Down Cadet Martinez (New Cadet Team 1) finished 5th out of 16 teams Cadet Fau (New Cadet Team 2) finished 7th out of 16 teams The drill team will next compete on March 2, 2024, at Blue Springs South in Kansas City, followed by the Rocky Mountain Drill Nationals in Denver from April 17-21, 2024. #wayschools
about 1 year ago, Cat Poole
JROTC Students
JROTC Students
JROTC Students
JROTC Students
Free egg hunt and activities for kids from 10 a.m. to noon March 2, 2024, at Waynesville High School's Tiger Stadium. #wayschools
about 1 year ago, Cat Poole
Egg Hunt Graphic
Students in the WCCā€™s video production class created a video to showcase programming at the Waynesville Career Center. The video was recently shown at the state-wide CTE Administrators Conference and has been selected to be used as a "model video" for CTE promotion for the state's 57 career centers. The students were recognized for their outstanding work during the Waynesville R-VI Board of Education meeting on Feb. 20, 2024. Tim Wallace serves as the instruction of the video production class. The video may be viewed on YouTube at or on Facebook at Video production students who participated in creating the video include: Brandon Blakey Collin Braslin Aaren Charbonier Waylon Cox Bo Crossland Zayda Dent Ava Feagin Em Gospich Jayla Marie Hong Immanuel Jones Dominic Leone Oscar Lopez Emjay Luna Abby Moore Calleigh Muir Rileigh Oā€™Donnell Samantha Partridge Damen Plotner Kayley Runner Hayden Waddell Z Walters They are pictured with Dr. Trish Adkins, assistant superintendent of instructional services. #wayschools
about 1 year ago, Cat Poole
WCC Video Production Students
Waynesvilleā€™s JROTC Mixed Raiders Team took 6th place in the nation out of a field of more than 250 teams at the U.S. Army Cadet Command Raider Nationals that were held Nov. 2-5, 2023, at Fort Knox, Ky. The award-winning cadets were recognized during the Waynesville R-VI Board of Education meeting on Feb. 20, 2024. Raider Team Members included: Dominick Chamberlain Nathaniel Copeland Hailee Garcia Avery Higdon Joseph Mendiola Damen Plotner Luke Pollman Keira Reigle Talan Ritchie Noah Scherrer Kayla Stuart Peyton Stuart William Tabor They are pictured with Dr. Trish Adkins, assistant superintendent of instructional services. #wayschools
about 1 year ago, Cat Poole
JROTC Students
On behalf of their students, teachers and staff, Waynesville R-VI elementary, middle and high school principals accepted plaques that will be on display in their buildings. The plaques, which recognize each school for being ranked among the top schools in Missouri, were presented during the Waynesville R-VI Board of Education meeting on Feb. 20, 2024. #wayschools
about 1 year ago, Cat Poole
Principals holding awards
Waynesville's JLAB team qualifies for Nationals For the first time ever, the Waynesville JLAB (JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl) Academic Team has qualified for the JLAB National Championship. "We were one of three teams that qualified from our Brigade (Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota)," said Col. (Ret.) Charles Williams, senior Army instructor with Waynesville's JROTC program. "To put this perspective there are over 1700 Army JROTC programs, and over 300 programs in our Brigade (3rd ROTC BDE)." Waynesville JLAB team members are Nathaniel Copeland, Marissa Esquivel, Joseph Mendiola and Julian Vassallo. The JLAB Academic National Championship will take place from June 21-25, 2024, at The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. #wayschools
about 1 year ago, Cat Poole
Congratulations graphic
TEACHER RECRUITMENT EVENT Are you interested in teaching in the Waynesville R-VI School District? If so, please come to our Teacher Recruitment Event from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Feb 29, 2024, at the Parker Educational Center, 909 U.S. Route 66 in Waynesville. #wayschools
about 1 year ago, Cat Poole
Teacher recruitment flyer
TEACHER RECRUITMENT EVENT Are you interested in teaching in the Waynesville R-VI School District? If so, please come to our Teacher Recruitment Event from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Feb 29, 2024, at the Parker Educational Center, 909 U.S. Route 66 in Waynesville.
about 1 year ago, Marianne Ward
Teacher Recruitment event 4:30 to 6 p.m. Feb. 29
To prepare for the upcoming week-long Spring Break in March, Snack in a Pack is asking now for monetary and food donations to help feed more than 500 students. Below is a list of kid-friendly food items to donate ā€¢ Packets/Canned Tuna ā€¢ Packets/Canned Chicken ā€¢ Ravioli/Spaghetti Oā€™s ā€¢ Ramen ā€¢ Canned Soup/Chili ā€¢ Vienna Sausage ā€¢ Mac & Cheese cups ā€¢ Pork & Beans ā€¢ Fruit Cups ā€¢ Veggie Cups ā€¢ Canned Vegetables ā€¢ Applesauce ā€¢ Oatmeal Packs ā€¢ Granola Bars ā€¢ Individually Wrapped Snack ā€¢ Peanut Butter* ā€¢ Jelly* *Plastic Containers About Snack in a Pack (SIAP) SIAP is a supplemental food program that feeds approximately 550 students in the Waynesville R-VI School District over weekends and extended school breaks. SIAP is a 100% donation-driven program that relies on the generosity of its partners, donors, and community volunteers to continue its mission to feed hungry children and improve educational success. Mail checks to: Snack in a Pack Community Resource Office 12225 Pulaski Ave, Bldg. 8041 Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473 For more information AmeriCorps Snack In a Pack Coordinator Community Resource Office (573) 842-2250
about 1 year ago, Marianne Ward
Snack in a Pack brochure
Snack in Pack brochure
Update: The main gate (north gate) is now open. The main gate (north gate) of Fort Leonard Wood is temporarily closed to inbound and outbound traffic. If the temporary closure continues to be in place at dismissal time, bus delays may occur this afternoon, Friday, Feb. 2, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Marianne Ward