If you or your family have been impacted by the recent flooding, we are here to help. Our commitment to our students remains strong, and we are prepared to support those that need support. Waynesville R-VI students or families needing assistance are encouraged to reach out via email. Please email us at studentservices@waynesville.k12.mo.us with any specific needs or concerns, and we will work to connect you with resources and support. We are here to help!
4 months ago, Marianne Ward
School will be in session and in person today (Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024) in the Waynesville R-VI School District. Buses will be running their normal routes. Transportation will be contacting the limited number of students we are unable to reach due to road closures.
4 months ago, Marianne Ward
Waynesville High Schoolā€™s student government association will host a Trunk or Treat event tonight from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the WHS parking lot. #wayschools
4 months ago, Cat Poole
Information Graphic
The Waynesville JROTC Raider male team finished in the top 10 at the U.S. Army Cadet Command Raider National Championships on Oct. 25 and 26, 2024, at Fort Knox. ā€œWhile we did not finish in the top 3 overall, our Male Team finished in the Top 10 of over 300 teams from around the nation, competing in the Male Masters Division,ā€ said Col. (Ret.) Charles Williams, senior Army instructor. The competition included the following events on Friday: Battle Fit Challenge: 1 minute of push-ups, 1 minute of crunches, and a 1-mile run. On Saturday, they competed in the traditional 5 Raider Events with some new additions: - Cross Country Litter Rescue: a 1-mile cross country run with 5 obstacles, while carrying 6 x 35 pound rucksacks and 1 x 135 pound litter among the ten competitors. They also added a written first aid test at the end. - Physical Team Test: a half-mile cross country run with 10 obstacles and strength tests. - 1 Rope Bridge: construct a 1 rope bridge across a 90-foot gap over a stream, move all 10 competitors across as fast as possible, and deconstruct the bridge as fast as possible. - Gauntlet: a 1-mile cross country run with 11 obstacles. This event begins with the 11-foot wall. - 5k Run: 3.3-mile rough terrain run. #wayschools
4 months ago, Cat Poole
ATTN: Waynesville R-VI Parents and Guardians: PARENT SURVEY The Waynesville R-VI School District has opened its annual PARENT SURVEY now through Oct. 25. The online survey link has been sent to parents via EMAIL. We value your thoughts and opinions about your childā€™s school and educational experiences. We encourage parents to please take a moment to complete the parent survey.
5 months ago, Marianne Ward
Survey has gone out to parents via email
Wear orange for Unity Day tomorrow, Oct. 16, 2024. Send a visible message of building commUNITY through kindness, acceptance and inclusion to prevent bullying.
5 months ago, Cat Poole
Unity Day
All active duty service members, Veterans and military retirees with a military ID will be admitted free to the home varsity football game on Oct. 18, 2024, at Tiger stadium. #wayschools
5 months ago, Cat Poole
Information Graphic
On Oct. 12, 2024, the Waynesville Raiders Black Team (Male) finished 4th overall and the Orange Team (Mixed) finished 5th overall out of a field of 30+ teams in the Smith Cotton Raider Competition in Sedalia, Mo. The Black Team placed as follows: - 4th place overall - 2nd place - 1-Rope Bridge - 3rd place - Cross Country Litter Rescue The Orange Team (Mixed) placed as follows: - 5th overall - 3rd Place - Physical Team Test - 3rd Place - Cross Country Litter Rescue The Raiders will next compete in the U.S. Army Cadet Command Raider Nationals Competition from Oct. 24-27 at Fort Knox, Ky.
5 months ago, Cat Poole
There will be no school on Monday, Oct. 14, 2024, for a teacher in-service day.
5 months ago, Marianne Ward
No school on Oct. 14, 2024
No school on Oct. 14 ā€¢ There will be no school in the Waynesville R-VI School District on Monday, Oct. 14, 2024, for a teacher in-service day. ______________________________ No school on Oct. 25 ā€¢ There also will be no school in the Waynesville R-VI School District on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024. ______________________________ Additional upcoming events: Oct. 16, 2024 ā€¢ Unity Day. Everyone is encouraged to wear orange. Oct. 18, 2024 ā€¢ Stampede in the Park. Start times for mile qualifiers: 9 a.m. for 5th graders; 10:15 a.m. for 4th graders; and 12:15 p.m. for 6th graders. Waynesville City Park. ā€¢ 6:30 Military Appreciation Night. Tiger Stadium before the 7 p.m. varsity football game. Oct. 21, 2024 ā€¢ 4 to 7:30 p.m. Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences. Oct. 22, 2024 ā€¢ 3 to 6:30 p.m. Secondary Parent-Teacher Conferences. Oct. 24, 2024 ā€¢ 3 to 6:30 p.m. Secondary Parent-Teacher Conferences. ā€¢ 4 to 7:30 p.m. Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences. ______________________ More calendar of event items More calendar of event items are at https://www.waynesville.k12.mo.us/events (You may search the calendar of events for your child's school by clicking on the school's name at this site.) ______________________ Annual 2024-25 School Year Calendar The district's annual calendar is at https://5il.co/2ogu5
5 months ago, Marianne Ward
School year calendar
Waynesville JROTC and the 1st Engineer Brigade, Fort Leonard Wood, hosted the 9th Annual Raider Challenge Competition on Fort Leonard Wood, on Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024. Waynesville R-VI Superintendent Hilary Bales and Raider alumni helped cheer on the Waynesville team. Waynesvilleā€™s Black Team finished 3rd overall in a field of 30 teams from across the Midwest. The winner was Blue Springs South High School. Waynesvilleā€™s results are as follows: 2nd Place - Cross County Litter Carry 3rd Place - 1 Rope Bridge 4th Place - Physical Endurance Obstacle Course 6th Place - Physical Team Test 7th Place - 5k Run The next event is at Smith Cotton in Sedalia, on Oct 12, 2024. Army Raider Nationals is Oct. 24-27 at Fort Knox, Ky. #wayschools
5 months ago, Cat Poole
5 months ago, Cat Poole
Information Graphic
Waynesville Career Center's culinary arts students took 1st in Peopleā€™s Choice, Best of Show and 2nd place from the judges at the City of Waynesville's Croaker's Culinary Cook-off during Hogs and Frogs on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. Their entry for the tailgate-themed event was a burger stuffed with stuffed jalapenos with fried cheese and special sauce on top. In the judges competition, Drachenfutter took 1st place, WCC took 2nd and Honey Chile Please took 3rd place. #wayschools
5 months ago, Cat Poole
WCC at hogs and frogs
WCC at hogs and frogs
WCC at hogs and frogs
WCC at hogs and frogs
WCC at hogs and frogs
WCC at hogs and frogs
WCC at hogs and frogs
WCC at hogs and frogs
The following plans are in place as of Thursday morning: PARADE As of this time, the Homecoming Parade will be held rain or shine at 2:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. In the event of severe weather, the parade will be cancelled. Should it become necessary, any announcement regarding last-minute plans for the parade will be made on the Waynesville R-VI Facebook page. The parade begins at Waynesville City Park and ends at Waynesville Middle School. CHAMBER TIGER PRIDE NIGHT The Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerceā€™s Tiger Pride Night will be held from 4:30 to 6 p.m. INSIDE the Waynesville High School Gym. CORONATION AND GAME Coronation will be at 6:25 p.m. on the field at Tiger Stadium, followed by the game at 7 p.m.
5 months ago, Marianne Ward
Homecoming 2024
The Waynesville JROTC Raider Team finished 5th overall out of 38 teams from the Midwest at the Leavenworth, Kan., Meet on Sept. 14, 2024. ā€œThis is a solid start to another season,ā€ said Col. (Ret.) Charles Williams, a senior Army instructor with the Waynesville JROTC program. The event results are as follows: Overall - 5th Place 3rd Place - 5k Terrain Run 3rd Place ā€“ Obstacle Run (.75 Mile Run, uphill run through the woods, with a tire obstacle and 3 x 8 foot walls) 3rd Place - Unconquered (1 Mile uphill run with various obstacles) 4th Place - Cross Country Litter Carry (1.5 mile run through woods, carrying 4 x 35 pound rucksacks, a 100-pound litter, with various obstacles) 4th Place - Physical Team Test (.5 mile agility, strength, and speed test) 5th Place - 1 Rope Bridge (fastest team to construct, traverse a 75-foot gap, and take down a 1-rope bridge) 5th Place - Obstacle Course (Starts with an 11-foot wall, and goes 1 mile through the woods with many obstacles) 4th Place - Ultimate Raider - William Tabor (individual race through the 1-mile obstacle course). The Raiders will compete next on Sept. 28 at the Ozark Raider Meet. The home Raider Meet will be Oct. 5 on Fort Leonard Wood, sponsored by Fort Leonard Wood and the 1st Engineer Brigade.
6 months ago, Marianne Ward
1  rope challenge
1  rope challenge
1  rope challenge
JROTC Raiders
Raiders competition
Raiders competition
Raiders competition
Raiders competition
Raiders competition
JROTC Raiders
Law enforcement officials across the nation have been investigating social media threats about alleged school shootings, which appear to be linked with Sept. 11. Like others across the nation, our local law enforcement has investigated an alleged threat on social media (Snap Chat) that was being made toward ā€œPulaski County middle schools.ā€ Local law enforcement officials have reported that currently there is no credible threat to the schools in the Waynesville R-VI School District. Working with national law enforcement agencies, local investigators believe that the threat was made in reference to a Pulaski County School District in another state. All threats are taken seriously, however, and the safety of our students and staff is our first priority. Out of an abundance of caution, school resource officers and local enforcement will have an increased presence at the Waynesville Sixth Grade Center and Waynesville Middle School. Should you have questions or concerns, please contact your childā€™s building principal. #wayschools
6 months ago, Cat Poole
The Armed Services YMCA hosted a Patriot Day Art Contest for Waynesville R-VI students with many works of art being on display during the Patriot Day event at the Waynesville City Park on Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024. The following students were awarded with first place ribbons; Carter Smith, 5th grade John Schultz, 12th grade Isabella Johnston, 3rd grade Kendra Franks, 10th grade Max Tayler Joyce, 7th grade Caleb Bradford, 2nd grade Coralline Sanchez, 5th grade Naomi Gonzalez, 7th grade Theo Leinbaugh, 4th grade Drake Volkmer, 3rd grade Lily Whitten, 2nd grade Esther Oppong, 5th grade First place award recipients were awarded a $10 Walmart gift card donated by Walmart St. Robert. #wayschools
6 months ago, Cat Poole
Information Graphic
This month's Teacher Proud Tuesday shout-out goes to Tim Wallace, the video production teacher at the Waynesville Career Center. His nominator says, "Hard worker, overachiever, humble and so much more to describe Mr. Wallace. He is one of the best out there. A mentor, no matter if it was about life, the classroom or the industry. I found a career path because of him and have been able to meet some amazing people too. Thank you, Mr. Wallace. You deserve your flowers.ā€ #TeacherProudTuesday To nominate someone for Teacher Proud Tuesday, please complete the form at https://forms.gle/bwZo8PL27wsnzePP8
6 months ago, Marianne Ward
Tim Wallace
The Fall Tiger Festival of Nations will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. Friday, Spet. 13, 2024, inside the Ninth Grade Center, which is located on the stadium side of the Waynesville High School campus. Admission is free and open to the public. Guest will learn about different cultures and sample food from around the world!
6 months ago, Cat Poole
Information Graphic
Waynesville R-VI students participated in the Armed Services YMCA Patriot Day event on Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024, in the Waynesville City Park, including the Waynesville JROTC Color Guard presenting the Colors , Citlali Arzabala singing the National Anthem and the Waynesville High School Choir singing. In addition, Waynesville R-VI students were among those dancing with Destination Dance. Hundreds of pieces of artwork by Waynesville R-VI students were on display during the event. The winners of the art contest will be announced in a separate post.
6 months ago, Marianne Ward
Citlali Arzabala
WHS Choir
WHS Choir
WHS Choir
Destination Dance
Destination Dance
looking at Patriot Day artwork
one of the pieces of artwork on display