Seven Habits By Covey

The Waynesville Sixth Grade Center has been a Covey 7 Habits school since 2018. 

Habit 1: Be proactive
Being proactive requires one to take action before having to react to a situation. This habit requires accepting rather than rejecting, understanding instead of judging and participation as opposed to manipulation. Being proactive requires one to be an active participant in life and not a passive, reactive bystander.

Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
Be clear on where you are going as an individual and as a family. It is crucial to have a clear view of the destination so that you are able to make the necessary changes and adjustments now to help you get there.

Habit 3: Put first things first
It is important to focus on what is important, and to do what needs to be done first. Our families and children should always remain at the center of all we do as we are the ones who shape, equip and ultimately determine their futures. We often get caught up in work and life and can lose sight of the most important things in our lives that we take for granted.

Habit 4: Think win-win
For it to be win-win it needs to be non-emotional and handled in a very direct, matter of fact way, consistently carrying out consequences agreed on beforehand.

Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Take the time to step out of your own busy life to learn and understand what is happening in your children’s lives. Let them see you genuinely trying to understand them and they will appreciate your effort and be more cooperative.

Habit 6: Synergise
Working together towards a collective goal is at the core of this habit. Combine all your strengths in a family so that you can achieve so much more. This is a collaborative process and can require you as the parent to step back and give your children a chance to lead.

Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
We often work so hard and are so focused on achieving deadlines and goals that we forget to take care of ourselves. 

Stephen R. Covey Headshot

“Leadership is communicating people’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.” 

Quote from Stephen R. Covey