PBiS School-wide

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support

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Tiger Traits

Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be a Learner

To ensure the learning atmosphere is safe and orderly, students are expected to put forth their best effort and to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that will promote a safe, orderly learning environment. Parents may be contacted if a student’s behavior is disruptive to his/her learning or if it interferes with the learning process of other students. 

Positive Behavior Intervention Support is a proactive systems approach to put strategies in place for all children while building in support for those at risk. This allows all students to succeed emotionally and academically. There are three tiers of support. 

Tier 1 - All students are introduced to universal/primary prevention strategies.

Tier 2 - Some students might require more intensive support; therefore specialized support systems are in place to aid in their success.

Tier 3 - A small percentage of students may require specific individualized behavioral interventions.