Mission, Vision, Smart Goals
Waynesville Middle School Mission
Preparing Students to Lead and Succeed
Waynesville Middle School Vision
Excel as a student-centered community of learners that embrace diversity and collaboration.
Waynesville Middle School Collective Commitments
W - Willing and positive collaboration among peers
M - Meaningful relationships with students
S - Students Inspired to lead
Waynesville Middle School Building Smart Goals
80% of WMS students will score 75% proficient or better (3.0 or higher on the standards-based scale) on common post-assessments.
60% of growth will be made from pre-assessment to post-assessment on unit common assessments for WMS students.
80% of SPED subgroup students will score 70% or better (3.0 or higher on the standards-based scale) on common post-assessments.
80% of WMS students will be proficient or advanced (3.0 or higher) on the final writing prompt.
70% of WMS students will read on grade level or above as measured by STAR.
70% of WMS students will score on grade level or above in mathematics as measured by STAR.
90% of WMS students will be at school 90% of the time.
90% of students will be at school 90% of the time.