
PHONE: 573-842-2550
PHONE: 573-842-2599

Welcome to the Waynesville Middle School guidance department.  There are two guidance counselors, one process coordinator, and two secretaries in the guidance office.  Our counselors are Mr. Neftali Perez and Mrs. Jonie Wilson, and our guidance secretary is Tiffany Freeman.  Our process coordinator is Mrs. Arthena Dye, and the special services secretary is Alexis Alvarez.  Mrs. Dye handles all of the special needs student population. Our office is located in the front hall of the building across from the main office.  The guidance staff handles all student records, scheduling, special needs information, both group and individual testing, and personal and group counseling.  If you have questions regarding these activities, please contact us at 573-842-2550 and ask for the guidance office.  We look forward to working with you and your student this school year.

To contact guidance staff you may use the following email addresses:

Tiffany Freeman - Guidance Secretary - Email Tiffany Freeman

Neftali Perez - School Counselor, 8th Grade - Email Neftali Perez

Jonie Wilson - School Counselor, 7th Grade -Email Jonie Wilson

Alexis Alvarez - Special Services Secretary - Email Alexis Alvarez

Arthena Dye - Process Coordinator - Email Arthena Dye