Arrival and Dismissal

At 7:00 a.m. students will be allowed into the building. Any student arriving prior to 7:00 a.m. needs to check into the lower gym concession area in the Tennis Court parking lot. For safety concerns, please do not allow your child to be dropped off on Old H or areas not designated on the map. Please pull all the way past the starred location on the map before unloading your child. Parents should pull all the way up to the front of the drop off area, even if no one is behind you.

A.M. Student Drop-Off 

● 7th-grade parent car line will be located in the Tennis Court parking lot. 

○ Students with the last names ending in A-M drop off between 7:00-7:10 

○ Students with the last names ending in N-Z drop off between 7:10-7:20 

● 8th-grade parent car line will be located in the WMS Main Entrance parking lot. 

○ Students with the last names ending in A-M drop off between 7:00-7:10 

○ Students with the last names ending in N-Z drop off between 7:10-7:20 

P.M. Student Pick-Up 

● 7th-grade parent car line in the p.m. will be located in the Tennis Court parking lot. 

● 8th-grade parent car line in the p.m. will be in the WMS Main Entrance parking lot. 


Here are a few things to keep in mind when dropping off or picking up students:

● Only let students out of your car in the designated drop-off sections of the traffic route.

● Be aware of potential pedestrian students along the traffic route. 

● Please follow the arrows on the maps, all cars will turn right as they exit the parking lot. Deviating from the provided traffic route could be a potential safety hazard for pedestrian students and lead to driver frustration. 

● Do not park along the traffic route at any time. 

● Be courteous of other drivers. 

● When picking up, please do not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to dismissal as this creates traffic congestion.

To download and view a copy of the student drop off and pick up locations click here.