
As we receive Scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year, we will add them here. If you have a scholarship you would like us to post please email Sarah Broadaway

Scholarship Information

Due Date

Laclede Operation Round-up



  • Live within Laclede Electric Cooperative's map service area. This includes cities of Lebanon, Richland, Waynesville, St. Robert and Ft. Leonard Wood that have their own utility companies. For any questions concerning

    qualification, contact Shellie Weaver at

  • Be a graduating high school senior, including those home-schooled, who plans to enroll in an accredited college or

    university for the 2025-2026 school year.

  • Submit an essay (500-1,000 words) telling us about yourself―include interests/hobbies, why you want to go to

    college, your choice of a future career, how you plan to achieve and fund those dreams. The purpose of the

    essay is to help us understand why the trust board should invest in your future by choosing YOU to receive our

    scholarship. The essay is worth 40 of the total 100 scoring points possible, so it is very important! NOTE: All

    essays will be subject to an Artificial Intelligence (AI) detector. Do your own work!!

  • Submit a resume outlining your achievements, honors/awards, elected positions of leadership, civic involvement,

    volunteer work, what activities you are involved in, etc.

  • Complete all sections of the application and sign by hand. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

  • Submit a high school transcript with application.


The scholarship committee will judge each application using the following criteria:

ACT composite score and/or SAT combined score

Cumulative GPA of 3.0+

Applicant's curriculum

Attendance record

Extra-curricular activities

Leadership positions


Quality of Essay

Work activities

Applications are available through guidance counselors at the high schools named above, the office of Laclede

Electric Cooperative in Lebanon, or on our website at

Completed applications must be submitted to the respective high school guidance counselor's office or the

office of Laclede Electric Cooperative in Lebanon, by 5:00 p.m., Friday, February 14, 2025.

The Laclede Electric Trust Board will make all determinations as to whether scholarships are or are not

awarded. The Laclede Electric Trust Board is the final authority on all applicant qualifications.

The lack of qualified applicants may preclude the awarding of any or all scholarships.

February 14, 2025

Missouri STEM Signing Day and Scholarship Award

More Information and Application

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must be a 2025 graduating high school senior

  • Must attend high school in Missouri school – public, private, or charter

  • Planning to attend a Missouri 2-year, 4-year or technical college in Fall 2025

  • Planning to pursue a STEM career path in college – either full degree or certificate program

Applications will be evaluated on the basis of passion for STEM learning, advancing society through STEM, high school activity involvement and scholarship. Applications will be submitted through My Scholarship Central portal. You will need to create an account in order to submit your application.

February 15, 2025

Still Useable Ministries

Essay requirement: How am I making a difference in my community?


Please send the completed application to by February 25, 2025.

Note: Ladies only

February 25, 2025

The Fort Leonard Wood Association of the United States Army (AUSA), Chapter 5501 Scholarship


Note-Essay Requirement: 7. Write an essay (no less than 500 words) that answers the following question:

“Describe your career aspirations and how you plan to achieve them.”

The Fort Leonard Wood Association of the United States Army (AUSA), Chapter 5501 is

offering five $500.00 one-time scholarships. The requirements for these scholarships are:

  • Applicants must be a prime/life member, spouse, or child of a member of the Fort

    Leonard Wood AUSA Chapter 5501.

  • Applicants must be accepted into a technical school, a 2-year or 4-year

    college/university accredited program.

  • Applicants may be pursuing any area of study.

  • Applications must be received by 28 February 2025. Applications must be mailed or

    hand-delivered to the following address:


    ATTN: Trudy Dils, Scholarship Committee

    106 Ella Street

    Waynesville, MO 65583

For more information please call (573) 528-0510.

February 28, 2025

Horatio Alger Scholarship

More Information: Click Here


March 1, 2025

Marine Corp Scholarship Foundation

More Information and Application

Eligibility Requirements

  • Child or step-child of one of the following:

    • Active duty, Reserve, or veteran* U.S. Marine

    • A Marine killed while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps

    • Active duty, reserve, or veteran U.S. Navy Corpsman, Navy Chaplain or Religious Program Specialist who is or was attached to a U.S. Marine Corps unit or who was killed while serving with a U.S. Marine Corps unit*

  • Minimum 2.00 GPA

  • Demonstrate financial need through a family adjusted gross income of $123,000 or less for the 2023 tax year

  • Attending or planning to attend an accredited school that is eligible for federal funding

  • Submit a completed application with all required documents by the deadline

* Veterans must have received an honorable discharge.

There are scholarships for Children of the Fallen, Children of the Wounded, and Grandchildren also listed on the website.

March 1, 2025

Missouri Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (MAMIC) Scholarship

Application Link

Each year, The Missouri Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (MAMIC) awards several- $1000 scholarships to graduating Missouri high school juniors and seniors planning to attend a Missouri college, university, community college, or vocational school. In addition, MAMIC also awards 1 - $1000 scholarship to a current college student.

The eligibility guidelines to be considered for the MAMIC High School Scholarship are as follows:

* Graduating High School Junior or Senior living in Missouri

* Candidate must be attending a Missouri high school.

* Candidate must have successful admission to ANY college, university, community college, or vocational technical school. It is no longer limited to only Missouri institutions.

* Candidate must submit the MAMIC High School Scholarship application with a copy of high school transcript and photo by Monday, March 3, 2025.

March 3, 2025

Missouri Women’s Golf Education Association (MWGEA) Scholarship


About the Scholarship:
Established in 1997, the MWGEA is a Missouri not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting the educational goals of young women in Missouri. Scholarships are awarded annually based on high school performance, community service, and other accomplishments.

We offer:

  • The Mary Jane Landreth Scholarship, honoring her significant contributions to MWGEA.

  • The Susan E. Shepherd Memorial Scholarship, funded by the Shepherd Foundation of St. Louis.
    These scholarships are awarded once per recipient and represent our commitment to empowering young women through education.

Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must not be receiving a full collegiate scholarship. The total value of the MWGEA award, combined with other financial aid, cannot exceed the value of a full grant-in-aid.

  • Scholarships are disbursed directly to the recipient’s college or university to cover educational expenses.

  • MWGEA does not restrict the recipient’s choice of institution.

How to Apply:
Scholarship applications and additional details are available on our website here: MWGEA Scholarship Information. Applications can be downloaded and printed by applicants or school counselors. Please share this opportunity with your students and encourage them to apply!

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to call us at 573.636.8994 or email

March 8, 2025

Infuze Credit Union Marion Dale Summerford Memorial Scholarship

Online Application


APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Four - $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to Infuze Credit Union inMotion Club members who will be graduating high school in 2025. The Marion Dale Summerford Memorial Scholarship is open to eligible high school seniors who plan to continue their education at a university, college or technical school. Infuze Credit Union employees, Board and Committee Members, and their spouses or children are not eligible for the scholarship.

Eligible members must complete and return the following materials no later than Friday, March 14, 2025.

• Scholarship application form

• Copy of high school transcript, including current GPA

• Current ACT or SAT score

• Two letters of recommendation, including one from a teacher, and the other from a guidance counselor, employer, a community leader, or clergy. The letters should include the author’s relationship to the applicant and how long they have known the applicant.

• An essay on: How would your field of study benefit our members and community? The essay should be no more than 500 words in length, and must be typed and double-spaced.

Note: The information states that the applicant must be an inMotion Club member of the credit union; however, if a student does not have an account with us, they can open a new account and then apply for the scholarship.  To open an inMotion Club account, they need only to deposit $5.00 into a savings account, the minimum requirement for membership.

March 14, 2025

Fort Wood Community Spouses' Club Scholarship

Guidelines and Application


  • GPA of 3.0 or higher

  • Applicant must be a legal dependent family member of Armed Forces personnel (active duty, Reserves, National Guard, retired U.S. Military, surviving spouse, and active or retired DOD civilians) working at or affiliated with Ft. Leonard Wood.

  • Must be a senior high school student

  • Must attend full-time in the institution they are enrolling

Essay: 300-400 word essay prompt

2 Letters of Recommendation

March 14, 2025

Community Foundation of the Ozarks Scholarship

Application Instructions

Applications open January 1, 2025

1.     Go to

2.    Click Create New Account.  Use your personal email account. Do not use your school email address.  Do not use your parent’s email address.

 3.    After creating an account, follow the prompts and click Continue.

 4.    Read the instructions carefully. When you are ready, click Apply

 5.    Complete all questions on the eligibility/universal application. At the bottom, click Submit.

 6.    You will receive a confirmation page listing the scholarship opportunities you were found eligible for.

 7.     You are strongly encouraged to print your confirmation page. You will not see that page again.

 8.    The confirmation page also lets you know if any of these scholarship opportunities require supplemental questions. Not all scholarship opportunities will have supplemental questions.

 9.    You must click Submit at the bottom of each supplemental question page of the individual scholarship opportunity to be considered complete.

 10. If a supplemental question is used on multiple scholarship opportunities, your response will carry across the applications.

 11.  If you feel you should be eligible for any given scholarship opportunity, or have any questions, please call 417-864-6199.

 Application deadline: March 16, 2025

Scholarships available: WHS Alumni Association - Dial Family Scholarship, Richard and Jeanne Cavender Scholarship for Public Service, Cole-Mahan Scholarship, Claude and Irene Morgan Scholarship

March 16, 2025

William C. Anderson, Jr., American Legion Memorial Post Scholarship



a.   The applicant must be a United States citizen and be a current year graduating senior of either Waynesville High School or Laquey High School or a certified home-school program senior in one of the two above school districts.

 b.   The applicant must not be a recipient of a four-year scholarship, ROTC scholarship or appointment to a service academy.  If a scholarship recipient receives a four-year scholarship, ROTC scholarship, or appointment to a service academy after submitting this application, the recipient must disqualify himself/herself by immediately notifying the senior counselor so the counselor can notify the American Legion Post 331 Scholarship Committee so that the scholarship may be awarded to another individual.

 c.   The scholarship must be used at an accredited college, university, trade, technical or vocational school during the 2025-2026 school year.

 d.   The scholarship may be applied to room and board provided by the educational institution, tuition, fees, or books at the discretion of the recipient. This award cannot be used for housing, or room and board other than that provided by the learning institution.

 e.   Scholarship checks will be deposited at the institution of the recipient’s choice during the month of August. Scholarship funds will not be paid directly to the recipient.  If the recipient transfers to another accredited learning institution, the registrar or financial aid officer may transfer the unused balance to the registrar/financial aid office of the new institution for the same utilization. Any monies not used for their intended use will be promptly returned to American Legion Post 331.

March 21, 2025

Dogwood Hills Association of Educational Office Professionals Scholarship

1. To qualify, applicant must be: U.S. citizen, a Waynesville High School senior (or surrounding high school senior currently attending classes at the Waynesville Career Center), who has applied for admission to a post-high school program. Priority will be given to those that are entering the business or education profession; however, others may apply.

2. Applicant must complete application form and submit one letter of recommendation from principal, counselor, or teacher, which should describe in paragraph one the stud.ent's activities and leadership record in high school and in paragraph two, a description of personal traits, character, initiative, and home background.

3. These papers and an official high school transcript should be submitted to the Guidance Office by March 28, 2025. Transcript must indicate class rank, preferably upper third of class, as of the end of 1 si semester of their senior year.

4. Selection of a winner will be as soon as possible after March 28, 2025. All scholarships must be claimed by March 1 si of the following year or the money will go back into the scholarship funds available for that year's graduating seniors.

5. Winner will be chosen by an impartial committee with final selection to be made by April 11, 2025. The scholarship chairperson will notify the president of the association, who will in turn notify the winner and the high school administration.

6. The recipient should be enrolled full-time before he/she can qualify for the scholarship. Scholarship Chairperson will arrange the direct disbursement of winner's scholarship directly to the school or program in Missouri, upon receipt of registrant's official notification of student's enrollment in post­high school training program. The notification must include current mailing address of the institution.

This scholarship program is open to students who wish to continue their education, with priority given to those that pursue work in the business or education field. First Place Award - minimum of a one $1000.00 scholarship. Scholarship program award is based on academic scholarship and initiative.


March 28, 2025

2025 Military Police Regimental Association Scholarship Application

The MPRA Scholarship Program awards scholarships annually to immediate family members of Standard Members of the MPRA. The program was established in 2006 with the purpose of providing educational tools to the family members of the Military Police Corps Regiment. The MPRA Scholarship is made possible through generous contributions from friends of the MPRA and from proceeds from a variety of fundraising efforts.

For information or questions on how to apply for a scholarship or to DONATE to the program please refer to the MPRA Scholarship Policy, contact us at 573-329-6772 or email Rick or Beth.


  • Must be an immediate family member of an active Standard Member. The immediate family members of a deceased member (active at time of death) are also eligible. Immediate family is defined as a parent, sibling, and child (by blood, adoption, or marriage), spouse, legal domestic partner, grandparent, or grandchild.

  • Must be attending or planning to attend an accredited college or university based in the United States and all its territories.

  • Must be pursuing a first bachelors, masters, or doctoral degree. Students pursuing a second bachelors and subsequent graduate degrees are not eligible.

  • Previous recipients of the organization’s scholarship are eligible to apply.

  • The organization’s paid staff and their dependents are eligible to apply for the scholarship. There is no conflict of interest in their application as the organization utilizes a third-party scholarship management company that directly receives and evaluates the applications.

  • U.S. citizenship is not required.

March 31, 2025

Show-Me-to College Scholarship

Application and Information

On the top right of the page, click Sign Up if you have never used the site. Click Sign In if you already have a My Scholarship Central account.

Enter your email and password. If you are a new user, you will receive a confirmation email and must click the link in the email to validate your account. Use an email address that you will have access to after you graduate from high school.

Complete the General Application if you have not done so this year.

After submitting the General Application, you will see a list of scholarships you may qualify for. Read the eligibility criteria and description to decide if you want to apply.

Click the orange Apply button next to the opportunity name. After completing the application, click Submit at the bottom right of the page.

Click My Applications in the left hand corner to see the status of your scholarship applications.

April 1, 2025

Leadership Pulaski County Alumni Foundation Scholarship



  • Be a senior attending a Pulaski County Missouri School

  • Submit the completed application to the LPC Alumni Foundation office in person, by mail, or by email before the deadline of April 1, 2025.

  • Include a 500-word Essay expressing his/her strengths and career goals and the plan to achieve those. Also, include community involvement.

  • Include two (2) letters of recommendation from an educator and one personal reference.

  • LPC Foundation Board of Directors, Chamber Board of Directors, and Chamber Staff members are not eligible for the scholarship

April 1, 2025

Waynesville-St. Robert Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors Club $250 Community Minded Ambassadorial Scholarship


Eligibility Requirements:

  • Be a senior at Waynesville High School, Maranatha Baptist Academy, Westsude Christian Academy, or a Homeschooler who resides in the Waynesville R-IV School District Area

  • Submit the completed scholarship application to the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber office in person, by mail, or by email, located at 137 St. Robert Blvd., Ste. B, St. Robert, MO, 65584, before the April 2, 2025 deadline.

  • Include a letter of recommendation from one if his/her academic professionals and one other non-family who may know his/her community involvement.

  • Include a 250-word essay expressing his/her opportunities to give back to a local community and why this scholarship is important to you.

  • Chamber Board of Directors, Chamber Staff, and Ambassador Club family members are not eligible for the community Minded Ambassadorial Scholarship.

April 2, 2025

Pulaski County Board of Realtors, Joe Miller Scholarship


Essay Requirements

Please choose one topic below and create an essay, between 300 and 500 words:

*What are the top 3 things you love about the Pulaski County area?

*What programs are you involved with that improve your community?

Application Requirements:

This is a one-time scholarship payment for $250, sent directly to the college attending. Money is to be used towards tuition, books, or housing but may not be used for any other purposes including but not limited to food or meal plans, travel or transportation related, etc. The scholarship money may only be used for the enrolled semesters and no money should be returned to the student if they drop or suspend schooling.Must be a senior in the School Districts within Pulaski County to include Plato School District Must be enrolled or enrolling in a University, Trade school, or Certification program.

April 4, 2025

MOCA HOPE Head Start Scholarship

Students applying for the Head Start Scholarship must meet the following criteria to complete an application:

  • Live in one of the following counties: Camden, Crawford, Laclede, Gasconade, Maries,

    Miller, Phelps, or Pulaski County

  •  Be a current year high school graduating Senior

  • Have been enrolled in and attended a Head Start pre-school program



April 4, 2025

Rotary Club Of Pulaski County Scholarship


The Rotary Club of Pulaski County is an organization of like-minded citizens to promote and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, to encourage and foster: 

1. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; 

2. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; 

3. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, 

and community life; 

4. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace 

through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. 

To apply a person must fill out the attached application form. 

Eligibility Graduating Pulaski County Senior enrolled as a full-time student, in a Technical or Trade School or a Two or Four year Undergraduate program. 

Two letters of recommendation are required. 

Compose an Essay consisting of at least 500 words explaining your understanding of how the Rotary 4-Way Test can be applied to and enhance your chosen career. Please type, using double spacing, cover page, index and footnotes, if applicable. 

The 4-Way Test considers the following questions in respect to the things we think, say or do: 

  • Is it the truth? 

  • Is it fair to all concerned? 

  • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 

  • Will it be beneficial to all concerned? 

April 12, 2025

American Legion Rider Scholarship Program

Application Information and Directions


The purpose of this program is to award 2 students, one male and one female, with a one-time scholarship, in the amount of $500 each, to aid in the finance of their college endeavor.

In order to be considered for this scholarship program, applicants

  • must be in their senior year,

  • have a GPA of 3.0 or higher,

  • and the criteria below must be met and submitted.

  • 500 Word Essay

    Once submitted, all information, documentation, application and essay will be reviewed by the scholarship committee. Winners will be contacted through information provided.

April 15, 2025

Pulaski County Bar Association


Essay Requirement-one page in Length

April 15, 2025

Hagan Scholarship Foundation

Application and More Information

April 15, 2025

Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship

Basis for Eligibility:

1. One boy who has attended a full session of Missouri Boys State or Missouri Cadet Patrol.

2. One girl who has attended a full session of Missouri Girls State or Missouri Cadet Patrol.

3. Must be the descendent* of a veteran having served 90 days on active duty in the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Space Force or Coast Guard of the United States, and having an honorable discharge. A copy of the veteran's discharge or separation notice must be submitted with application. The copy must show the date the veteran entered service and the date the veteran left service.

4. Be a resident of the state of Missouri.

5. An unmarried dependent under the age of 21.

6. Must be attending an accredited college / university as a full-time student.

7. Consideration for scholarship will be determined annually for high school graduates in NEED of financial aid to attend a college / university.

8. Scholarship must be used the first fall semester of a college / university following graduation from high school.

Application-2 pages

M.D. "Jack" Murphy Memorial Nurses Training Scholarship

 Basis for Eligibility:

1.   One applicant planning a career as a Registered Nurse. The scholarship must be used the first fall semester upon completion of high school.

2.   Must be the descendent* of a veteran having served 90 days on active duty in the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard of the United States, and having an honorable discharge. A copy of the veteran's discharge or separation notice must be submitted with the application. The copy must show the date the veteran entered service and the date the veteran left service.

3.   Be a resident of the state of Missouri.

4.   Shall be an unmarried dependent under the age of 21.

5.   Must be attending an accredited college / university as a full-time student.

6.   Consideration for scholarship will be determined annually for high school graduates in NEED of financial aid to attend a college / university.

7.   Applicant must graduate in the top 40% of his / her class.

8.    A counselor's statement must be attached. The statement should be on school letterhead, attest to the student’s ability and desire to major in nursing, certify that the student is in the top 40% of their class, and be signed by the school counselor.

Application-2 pages

Shane Dean Voyles Memorial Scholarship

 Basis for Eligibility:

 1.    Each High School in the state of Missouri may submit only one application for this award.  Applicant must be selected by the faculty of the High School he/she is attending based on the individuals financial need, participation in athletics, participation in school activities/clubs, volunteer work, exceptional leadership qualities, high moral standards and extreme patriotism.

2.    Recipient must be a full-time student in an accredited college or university in the state of Missouri.

3.    Applicant must be a resident of the state of Missouri.

4.    Must be attending an accredited college / university as a full-time student.

Application-2 pages

Joseph J. Frank Scholarship

 Basis for Eligibility:

1.   One boy who has attended a full session of Missouri Boys State  or Missouri Cadet Patrol and one girl who has attended a full session of Missouri Girls State or Missouri Cadet Patrol.

2.   Must be the descendent* of a veteran having served 90 days on active duty in the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Space Force,  or Coast Guard of the United States, and having an honorable discharge. A copy of the veteran's discharge or separation notice must be submitted with the application. The copy must show the date the veteran entered service and the date the veteran left service.

3.   Be a resident of the state of Missouri.

4.   An unmarried dependent under the age of 21.

5.   Must be attending an accredited college / university as a full-time student.

6.   Consideration for scholarship will be determined annually for high school graduates in NEED of financial aid to attend a college / university.

7.   Scholarship must be used the first fall semester of a college / university following graduation from high school.

Application-2 pages

Charles L. Bacon Memorial Scholarship

 Basis for Eligibility:

1.   Must be a member of The American Legion Family, i.e., Legion Member, Auxiliary Member, S.A.L. Member, or a descendant* of any member thereof.

2.   Be a resident of the state of Missouri.

3.   An unmarried dependent under the age of 21.

4.   Must be attending an accredited college / university as a full-time student.

5.   Consideration for scholarship will be determined annually for high school graduates in NEED of financial aid to attend a college / university.

6.   Scholarship must be used the first fall semester of a college / university following graduation from high school.

Application-2 pages

Erman W. Taylor Memorial Scholarship

 Basis for Eligibility:

1.   Must be the descendent* of a veteran having served 90 days on active duty in the Army, Air Force, Space Force, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard of the United States, and having an honorable discharge. A copy of the veteran's discharge or separation notice must be submitted with application. The copy must show the date the veteran entered service and the date the veteran left service

2.   Be a resident of the state of Missouri.

3.   Consideration for scholarship will be determined annually for high school graduates in NEED of financial aid to attend a college / university.

4.   Student must be planning to major in education. A counselor’s statement must be attached. The counselor’s statement should be on school letterhead, attest to the student’s ability and desire to major in education or a related field, and must be signed by the school counselor.

5.   Scholarship must be used the first fall semester of a college / university following graduation from high school.

Application-2 pages

April 20, 2025

April 20, 2025

April 20, 2025

April 20, 2025

April 20, 2025

April 20, 2025

April 20, 2025

Missouri Detachment, Sons of the American Legion Scholarship

 Basis for Eligibility:

1.    One student who is a member of the Sons of the American Legion or the Junior Auxiliary of the American Legion.

2.    Must attach a copy of most recent High School transcript

3.    Must attach an essay on the topic “What being a member of the American Legion Family Means to me.

4.    Be a resident of the state of Missouri.

5.    An unmarried dependent under the age of 21.

6.    Must be attending an accredited college / university as a full-time student.

7.    Consideration for scholarship will be determined annually for high school graduates in NEED of financial aid to attend a college / university.

8.    Scholarship must be used the first fall semester of a college / university following graduation from high school.



April 20, 2025

Demi Strickland Memorial Art Scholarship

Eligibility and Application Process

The Demi Strickland Memorial Art Scholarship is open to Waynesville High School seniors or certified home-schooled seniors within the Waynesville R-VI School District. Applicants must demonstrate unique artistic talent and creativity.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be a high school senior, and eligible for graduation.

• There is no GPA requirement for this scholarship.

• All artwork submitted must be the applicant's original work.

• All artwork submitted must be newly created for this scholarship.

Information and Application

April 22, 2025

Barbara Gladwell Wilkins Scholarship for Future Educators

As tribute to Barbara Gladwell Wilkins, a past long-time resident and former teacher in the Waynesville R-VI School District, we would like to present five $1,000 scholarships to five high school seniors graduating in the class of 2025 from Waynesville High School.

 Basis for Eligibility:

1. Must be a senior graduating from Waynesville High School in May 2025 and going into the field of education. Consideration will be allowed for 2025 students graduating early 

2. Must submit a 7-10 minute video speech telling about yourself and what your future educational plans are (Hint…make sure your speech is focused on you and not your favorite person, place or thing.) 

3. Email a link to your video to and make sure you receive a confirmation of your submission 

4. Make sure all of your contact information is attached, including your full name, age, email address and best phone number to reach you at 

5. Videos are due between April 15-April 30, 2025 with the winners to be announced during Honors Night on Tuesday, May 13, 2025. 

6. Scholarships are paid directly to the school upon receipt of invoice from your college or university 

All video submissions will be viewed by the members of the Barbara Wilkins Scholarship Committee and each member will individually pick their top five (5) submissions. The scores will be tallied and the five videos receiving the most votes will be chosen as the scholarship recipients. 

So, get creative, be open and honest and let us know how you are choosing to move forward in this world. 

April 30, 2025

Graceland University Scholarships

Prestigious Honors Scholarship: Available to incoming first-year or transfer students with a 3.5 or higher GPA. This is a full-tuition award that is renewable for up to four years! Applicants must attend a Prestigious Honors Dayapply to Graceland University for Fall 2025, and submit the Honors Program Application to be eligible.

Honors Scholarship: Students with a 3.25 or higher GPA can interview for the Honors Program. All students who are admitted into the Honors Program will receive this scholarship.

November 9, 2024

February 8, 2025

April 5, 2025

Waynesville Youth Football (WYF) and CheerScholarship

Application and Information

Waynesville Youth Football (WYF) offers scholarships to high school athletes who have previously participated in our program. Our scholarship program aims to support our youth in furthering their educational goals, acknowledging the physical, mental, and character-building benefits gained from participating in WYF.

The WYF Board will consider all completed applications received by the specified deadline. Scholarships awarded may be partial or full (up to $1,000), based on available funds and the number of applicants. Scholarships are awarded to previous WYF players or cheerleaders and are applicable for one year only. Applicants must reapply each year they seek assistance.

**Eligibility Requirements:**

- Athlete must be 17 years or older and reside within the Waynesville R-VI School District.

- Athlete must commit to attending a college or university of their choice.

- Application must be completed by the athlete and their parent, guardian, or head of household, with all requested information provided.

- Athlete must complete an essay (details below). Incomplete applications will not be considered.

**Deadline for Scholarship Requests:**

Applications must be submitted to WYF no later than May 1, 2025.

May 1, 2025