Check out the NEW Waynesville R-VI mobile app! - Download for Android at - Download for iPhone at (Please delete your old Waynesville R-VI app.)
7 months ago, Marianne Ward
Get the new mobile app
Kindergarten registration remains open Parents who haven't already done so may still enroll their kindergartner in the Waynesville R-VI School District at (This is for students who have not already been enrolled as kindergartners. Parents who have already enrolled their kindergartner or whose child attended Parker or Williams may ignore this message.) If you have a student eligible (see eligibility requirements below) for kindergarten in the 2024-25 School Year and have not already registered, you will need the following documents: A. *Child’s birth certificate B. *Proof of residence: Any ONE of the following documents in the parent/guardian’s name meets the state’s proof of residence requirements: 1) property tax statement 2) utility bill/agreement (must be dated within the last 60 days). Utilities include water, electric, trash, gas and home phone/internet. Cell phone agreements may not be used to meet this criteria. 3) real estate contract 4) rental agreement/receipt 5) military housing contract If you have questions about these documents, please contact 573-842-2092. C. *Child’s shot record* If your child has not already received the 4-6 year old immunizations, here are the vaccines your child will need: • Diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis) (DTaP) (5th dose) • Polio (IPV) (4th dose) • Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) (2nd dose) • Chickenpox (Varicella) (2nd dose) These shots must be administered on or after their fourth birthday. D. Legal documents (for special circumstances/ e.g., custody, guardianship, etc.) Eligibility requirements To be eligible to attend kindergarten, a student must be age 5 before Aug. 1, 2024. According to Missouri law, a child is eligible for admission to kindergarten if the child reaches the age of 5 prior Aug. 1, 2024, or if the child is a military dependent who has successfully completed a state-accredited pre-kindergarten program or has attended a state-accredited kindergarten program in another state. Please note there are no exceptions made to this state law. If you need help or have questions, please call 573-842-2092. NOTE for WILLIAMS and PARKER Early Childhood Center students: Williams Early Childhood Center and Parker Educational students who will be attending kindergarten in the Waynesville R-VI School District this fall will not need to complete the online enrollment process. The records of Williams and Parker students will automatically move forward to the elementary schools for those eligible for kindergarten. Additional help If you have any questions, please call 573-842-2092.
8 months ago, Cat Poole
Meet the Teacher Nights for Waynesville R-VI students will be held as follows: Early Education (Pre-K) Williams Early Childhood Center Meet the teacher Aug. 15: 4 to 6 p.m. Parker Preschool Meet the teacher Aug. 15: 4 to 6 p.m. ____________________________ Elementary Schools (K-5) East Elementary Meet the teacher Aug. 15: 4 to 6 p.m. Freedom Elementary Meet the teacher Aug. 15: 4 to 6 p.m. Partridge Elementary Meet the teacher Aug. 15: 4 to 6 p.m. Thayer Elementary Meet the teacher Aug. 15: 4 to 6 p.m. Wood Elementary Meet the teacher Aug. 15: 4 to 6 p.m. ____________________________ Sixth Grade Center (grade 6) Waynesville Sixth Grade Center Meet the teacher Aug. 15: 4 to 6 p.m. ____________________________ Middle School (grades 7-8) Waynesville Middle School Meet the teacher Aug. 14: 4 to 6 p.m. ____________________________ High School (grades 9-12) Waynesville High School Meet the teacher Aug. 14: 4 to 6 p.m. ____________________________ Career Center (grades 9-12) Waynesville Career Center Meet the teacher Aug. 14: 4 to 6 p.m.
8 months ago, Marianne Ward
Meet the Teacher
From our Athletics Office: Elementary Baseball Camp is cancelled for tonight and will begin tomorrow at Bandy Field (1502 Ousley Lane) starting at 6:30 p.m. Camp dates will now run from July 17-19.
8 months ago, Marianne Ward
The 24/25 school year supplies list can be found on our website at and are also published below. #wayschools
8 months ago, Cat Poole
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Enrollment/Registration information for all families is at This includes info about student medications school immunizations kindergarten enrollment sports physicals (required before tryouts/practice) which school an elementary (grades K-5) student will attend based on a street address days when school will not be in session information about which schools students in grades 6-12 attend. For more information about enrolling a new student, go to the district's main website at and click on the "Enrollment" tab. #wayschools
8 months ago, Cat Poole
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The 2024-25 school year calendar is at
8 months ago, Marianne Ward
8 months ago, Cat Poole
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Wood Elementary has been certified as a Leader in Me Lighthouse School by Franklin Covey Education — a distinction that approximately 600 schools in the world have achieved. “The Leader In Me process is integral to our approach, promoting continuous growth and excellence in embodying leadership culture and principles. Through this process, we aim to cultivate leaders who are well-prepared to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond,” said Principal Susan Shultz. “What’s most impressive about this achievement is that our students, families and staff worked together to earn this designation as a Leader in Me Lighthouse School.” Leader in Me Program Background from FranklinCovey Education Leader in Me is a research-backed framework, co-created with educators, aimed at fostering resilience and leadership in students while cultivating a culture of trust. It's crafted to enhance academic performance and empower students, educators and families with essential leadership and life skills necessary for success in an evolving world. Leader in Me brings together students, staff and families with a shared objective: equipping students with the essential skills for college, career and life readiness in today's dynamic world. Through this approach, students develop self-awareness and interdependence, cultivate initiative, plan effectively, set and monitor goals, manage their time, practice empathy, communicate proficiently, resolve conflicts, innovate, appreciate diversity, maintain balance and actively contribute to society. In the education sphere, schools often receive accolades for exceptional accomplishments. Lighthouse Certification stands out as a prestigious benchmark. These certified schools exemplify a robust leadership framework, demonstrating substantial, measurable outcomes aligned with their objectives through the integration of Leader in Me principles and practices. This certification signifies a school's commitment to excellence and its success in implementing transformative leadership strategies. Wood Elementary will maintain its Lighthouse Certification for two years and will continue to foster its growth and proficiency in exemplifying a leadership culture and principles. Central to the Leader in Me model is the belief in every child's unique strengths and leadership potential. In addition, both Waynesville Sixth Grade Center and Thayer Elementary earned the Lighthouse certification this year. #wayschools
9 months ago, Cat Poole
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Wood Elementary’s Tiger PTO embodied the “reduce, reuse, recycle” model to fashion a custom-made book vending machine, which left enough funds available to purchase a new book for each Wood student to take home with them. The newly installed book vending machine was only a dream at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year. In the fall, Wood PTO leaders decided they wanted to leave a lasting legacy at the school and when Principal Susan Shultz suggested that a book vending machine would do just that, Wood PTO set that as their goal. Wood PTO President Alysia Damin then researched to see if she could find a book vending machine cheaper than the $5,000 to $7,000 for a new one and found a company in Springfield, Mo., that refurbishes beverage and snack vending machines into book vending machines. For about $800, PTO purchased the refurbished machine and a wrap. Damin’s husband and other volunteers from the Delta Company 35th Engineer Battalion drove to Springfield on a Saturday to pick up and then install the machine in the school. Wood Tiger PTO parent volunteers then wrapped the machine and fully stocked it with a large range of newly purchased books. “This is a milestone project,” said Principal Susan Shultz. “Wood PTO leaders and volunteers far exceeded their goal of having a book vending machine. Each student got to visit the machine and select a new book to take home with them at the end of the school year.” A special thank you goes to the PTO, Wood families and staff, and the PIE partners, the 368th Air Force Training Squadron, who helped with multiple fundraising events, and the 35th Engineer Battalion for picking up and delivering the book vending machine. #wayschools
9 months ago, Cat Poole
Vending Machine
Students with books
Vending Machine
Vending Machine
Vending Machine
9 months ago, Cat Poole
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Would you like to work part-time? Would you like for your hours to be flexible to fit your schedule? If so, please check out the flyer about these positions: - District Afterschool Activity Driver - Activity Trip Driver Call 573-842-2199 to get your copy of the paper application for these positions. _____________________________________________________ Would you like to work part-time after school? If so, please check out the flyer about this position: - After School Activity Sponsor Contact or call 573-842-2030 to learn more about the after school activity sponsor.
9 months ago, Marianne Ward
Job openings
Free meals on Fridays during summer school for all children ages birth to 18 OPAA! and Waynesville R-VI Schools are partnering to provide free meals through a drive-through service each Friday during Summer School at Waynesville High School and Wood Elementary. All children in the community ages birth to 18 are eligible to receive the meals; however, families must register in advance to receive the meals by going to and filling out the brief form. Details · The meals will be available on the following Fridays: May 31, June 7, 14 and 21. Please indicate on the form which Fridays you will be available to pick up the meals. · The WHS drive-through will be open from 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. · The Wood Elementary drive-through will be open from 2:10 to 3:10 p.m. · Each bag will contain two breakfasts and two lunches for each child who has registered through the brief Google form at link above. · A family may only go to one site and must indicate on the form whether they will pick up the meals at the high school or elementary school. Frequently asked questions 1. Are there income guidelines for this program? a. No. All children ages birth to 18 are eligible. 2. Does my child have to be enrolled in summer school to be eligible for this program? a. No. This program is open to the community. 3. Do I have to fill out the form each week? a. No. Please indicate on the form which Fridays you will be picking up the meals. 4. How is this program being funded and why is it being offered? a. The Federal Government is funding this program and OPAA! volunteered to participate so that families in our community could receive the meals. Children are most hungry during the summer months when regular school is not in session and OPAA! is partnering with Waynesville R-VI schools to help ensure that children have food on the weekends during summer school.
9 months ago, Cat Poole
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The annual district elementary track meet for 4th and 5th graders was held on May 10 and the Waynesville Sixth Grade Center’s track meet was held May 14. "I am proud of all of the students who qualified for the district meet," said Mike Rawlings, head track and field coach. "They had good times and results for their ages and I am grateful for our elementary coaches who help prepare our young athletes. We have a great program and it all begins at the elementary level." 6th Grade boys earning 1st place were as follows: 4 x 200 relay – Team Epic 4 x 100 relay - Team Epic 55 meter – Brady Newberry 100 meter – Kaden Mitchell 200 meter - Antoine Haggard 400 meter – Amare Walker Triple Jump – Javionn Rhodes Long Jump - Amore Walker Shot Put – Michael Stone 5th Grade boys earning 1st Place were as follows: 4 x 200 relay – Freedom Grey 4 x 100 relay – Partridge 55 meter – Jamar Robinson East Blue 100 meter – AJ Lee Thayer 200 meter – Kieran Prebla Freedom Orange 400 meter – Morris Bradley – East Green Triple Jump – Roland Drexler – Wood Long Jump – Hudson Wells – Freedom Grey Shot Put – Jarvis McLemore East Green 4th Grade boys earning 1st place were as follows: 4 x 200 relay – Partridge 4 x 100 relay – Partridge 100 meter – Owen Weiguilt Freedom Grey 200 meter Steven Phinn East Green 400 meter Owen Weiguilt Freedom Grey Long Jump – Jaysaun Presley East Blue Shot Put Devin Lewis East Green 6th grade girls earning 1st place were as follows: 4 x 200 relay – Team Spectacular 4 x 100 relay – Team Tremendous 55 meter – Rayven Clark 100 meter – Judith Holmes 200 meter – Kayla Bengstom 400 meter – Payton O’Bryant Triple Jump – Payton O’Bryant Long Jump -Zi’Yonnah Lawson Shot Put – Misa Charfauros 5th grade girls earning 1st Place were as follows: 4 x 200 relay – Freedom Grey 4 x 100 relay - Partridge 55 meter – Tara Robinson Freedom Grey 100 meter – Avery Anderson Partridge 200 meter – Cove Cornforth Freedom Grey 400 meter – Carson Pimentel East Blue Triple Jump – Jillian Linde Partridge Long Jump – Avery Anderson Partridge Shot Put – Raquel Joseph East Blue 4th grade girls earning 1st Place were as follows: 4 x 200 relay - Wood 4 x 100 relay – Freedom Orange 100 meter – Jordyn Bush – Freedom Orange 200 meter – Kayte Dye – East Green 400 meter – Aubrey Ross – Freedom Grey Long Jump – Kayte Dye – East Green Shot Put – Jessicah Njwguna – East Blue #wayschools
10 months ago, Cat Poole
Elementary Track
Elementary Track
Elementary Track
Elementary Track
Elementary Track
Elementary Track
Elementary Track
Elementary Track
Elementary Track
Elementary Track
CTA hosted the annual Retirement Banquet on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at the Waynesville Career Center, where retirees were recognized for their years of dedication and service. The following individuals have announced their retirement from the district this year: Certified: Trish Adkins, Richard Beckett, Rodney Brown, Gary Cook, Robert Crabtree, Barbara Hunt, Ronni Jeter, Michelle Jones, Jenifer Munoz, Elizabeth Rawlings, Tammy Taylor, Angela Wilson and Mark Wilson Classified: Alvin Brown, Nellie Gladden, Joe Hensley, Sabine Labib, Edna Roberts, Jimmie Vogt, Erica Wheeler and Jim York Pictured are Michelle Jones, Tammy Taylor, Ronni Jeter, Edna Roberts, Liz Rawlings, Jenifer Munoz and Dr. Trish Adkins. #wayschools
10 months ago, Cat Poole
CTA Retirement Banquet
CTA Retirement Banquet
CTA Retirement Banquet
CTA Retirement Banquet
CTA Retirement Banquet
CTA Retirement Banquet
CTA Retirement Banquet
CTA Retirement Banquet
CTA Retirement Banquet
CTA Retirement Banquet
Screenings for Pre-school age children May and July screenings for pre-school children ages 3 and 4 who live in the Waynesville R-VI School District are now being scheduled at Williams Early Childhood Center, 12225 Pulaski Avenue, Fort Leonard Wood. To schedule a screening appointment for May 28 or 29 or July 29, 30 or 31, please call 573-842-2650. Details: Students must be ages 3 or 4 by August 1, 2024, to qualify for screening. Students who have already been screened and are on a waiting list do not need to be re-screened. “Our highly qualified, certified teachers work with students on skills that help prepare them to be successful learners in kindergarten,” said Dr. Molinda Mitchell, principal at the center. “By engaging students early, our preschool students become successful kindergartners.” Williams Early Childhood Center’s pre-school program consists of PACE and ECSE. Both are free for Waynesville R-VI residents who are admitted to the program. PACE is the Parent And Child Education program and is for children ages three, four and five who are potty trained, have gone through the screening process used to place students and have been admitted to the program. Transportation is not provided for the PACE program. ECSE The Early Childhood Special Education Program is a free service provided by the Waynesville R-VI School District and services children who are three-years to kindergarten age with educationally disabling conditions. Children with disabling conditions are those who demonstrate significant delays in one or more of these areas: • vision/hearing • speech/language • intellectual functioning • overall development • rate of learning and/or • social/emotional development For information about the center, please call 573-842-2650.
10 months ago, Marianne Ward
Preschool Screenings are May 28 and 29 and July 29, 30 and 31
Elementary Soccer Camp May 28-30 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. ($25) For students ages 8-12 years old Cost is $25 Registration Link: Payment Link: If you have any questions, please call 573-842-2450.
10 months ago, Marianne Ward
Kindergarten kickoff and enrollment Kindergarten Kickoff was held on May 1, 2024, with a packed house of parents and students preparing for the start of their kindergarten school year. A popular spot was the "signing" table where students wrote their names and posed for photos. Kindergarten enrollment Kindergarten enrollment is under way in the Waynesville R-VI School District online at This is for students who will be enrolling as kindergartners at East, Freedom, Partridge, Thayer and Wood elementaries. If you have a student eligible (see eligibility requirements below) for kindergarten in the 2024-25 School Year, you will need the following documents: A. *Child’s birth certificate B. *Proof of residence: Any ONE of the following documents in the parent/guardian’s name meets the state’s proof of residence requirements: 1) property tax statement 2) utility bill/agreement (must be dated within the last 60 days). Utilities include water, electric, trash, gas and home phone/internet. Cell phone agreements may not be used to meet this criteria. 3) real estate contract 4) rental agreement/receipt 5) military housing contract If you have questions about these documents, please contact 573-842-2092. C. *Child’s shot record* If your child has not already received the 4-6 year old immunizations, here are the vaccines your child will need: • Diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis) (DTaP) (5th dose) • Polio (IPV) (4th dose) • Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) (2nd dose) • Chickenpox (Varicella) (2nd dose) These shots must be administered on or after their fourth birthday. D. Legal documents (for special circumstances/ e.g., custody, guardianship, etc.) Eligibility requirements To be eligible to attend kindergarten, a student must be age 5 before Aug. 1, 2024. According to Missouri law, a child is eligible for admission to kindergarten if the child reaches the age of 5 prior Aug. 1, 2024, or if the child is a military dependent who has successfully completed a state-accredited pre-kindergarten program or has attended a state-accredited kindergarten program in another state. Please note there are no exceptions made to this state law. Have questions? If you need help or have questions, please call 573-842-2092. NOTE for WILLIAMS and PARKER Early Childhood Center students: Williams Early Childhood Center and Parker Educational students who will be attending kindergarten in the Waynesville R-VI School District this fall will not need to complete the online enrollment process. The records of Williams and Parker students will automatically move forward to the elementary schools for those eligible for kindergarten.
10 months ago, Marianne Ward
Kindergarten kickoff
Kindergarten kickoff
Kindergarten kickoff
Kindergarten kickoff
Kindergarten kickoff
Kindergarten kickoff
Kindergarten kickoff
Kindergarten kickoff
Kindergarten kickoff
From our Athletic Office: The Waynesville Elementary Tiger Wrestling Camp has moved from the High School to the Middle School main gym for May 9-10. Camp will begin at 5:30 p.m. and end at 7:00 p.m. Please use the main gym entrance located at the front right of the school for drop-off and pick-up. #wayschools
10 months ago, Cat Poole
Due to the forecasted weather, Community Salute to Service is being moved to Friday, May 10, 2024, at 6 p.m. #wayschools
10 months ago, Cat Poole
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