Phone: 573-842-2500
Business Education
(Open to grades 9-12 Only)
Business education facilitates learning in a student-directed environment based upon learning for and about business. Learners are guided in many ways as they develop skills necessary to be effective consumers, citizens, workers, and business leaders. Learners customize their learning by selecting projects based on personal and career interests; and working independently or in teams, they use a wide range of technology to solve unstructured problems. All of these opportunities support learners’ desires for independence and creativity, as well as their need to collaborate. They continue their career exploration and demonstrate their career skills through work experience and student organizations.
General Goals for Business Education include:
Function as economically literate citizens through the development of personal consumer economic skills, knowledge of social and government responsibility, and an understanding of business operation.
Display an understanding of the fundamental marketing process and an orientation to the American free enterprise system.
Demonstrate interpersonal, teamwork, and leadership skills necessary to function in multicultural business settings.
Select and apply tools of technology as they relate to personal and business decision-making.
Manage data from all of the functional areas of business needed to make wise management decisions.
Communicate effectively as writers, listeners, and speakers in social and business settings.
Develop career awareness and related skills to make viable career choices and become employable in a variety of business careers.
The communities of Waynesville and St. Robert are very fortunate to have the Waynesville Career Center to provide the technologies and resources needed to prepare our students for the real-world of business. This program will provide a hands-on approach to the skills necessary to not only gain employment but to maintain this employment through the knowledge acquired in the business coursework. This in depth program is not offered in many schools and the opportunity to have it in a smaller community like Waynesville and St. Robert is truly valuable. Business Education classes provide essential business experiences, education, and training that actively engages students using instructional strategies that rely on the use of technology and practices that reflect current and emerging business procedures. The Business Education department consists of classes in Computer Business Applications, Business Law, Accounting, Desktop Publishing and Multimedia. The Business Department also is a sponsor of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America).
Accounting I
(Grades 10-11-12) (1 unit)
This course is designed to develop skills necessary for starting a bookkeeping system and for recording, summarizing, and interpreting financial data for the three business entities. Emphasis is placed on acquiring skills needed for entry-level employment and/or further accounting study.
Accounting II
(Grades 10-11-12) (1 unit)
Prerequisite: Accounting I This course will further develop the skills necessary for recording; summarizing and interpreting advanced financial data. Emphasis is given to departmental accounting, cost accounting, managerial accounting, ratios, and automated accounting.
Business Law
(Grades 11-12) (1/2 unit)
This one-semester course is designed to help students gain an understanding of business law and its application. The course content includes: contracts, sales, commercial paper, court procedures, business crimes, torts, insurance, employment and legal remedies.
Computer Business Applications (Technology Credit)
(Grades 9-10-11-12) (1 unit)
Computer Business Applications reviews basic keyboarding operations and introduces the student to word processing, spreadsheet, database, Internet, and presentation software. Multimedia applications are also present. This course may be taken in the classroom or on-line. On-line students must have computer access to the Internet and Microsoft Office.
Visit our FBLA-PBL page