Federal Programs

Every Student Succeeds Act Required Notices

Students in Foster Care

The Every Child Suceeds Act includes provisions to ensure that students in Foster Care are not moved unnecessarily between schools or districts as they experience changes in placement.

Below you will find links to the Waynesville R-Vi policy for students in foster care as well as a copy of the dispute resolution process that will be used when there disgreements about the building or district placement. 

If you have questions regarding the building placement or transportation for a student in foster care, the District Foster Care Liaison can assist you.

District Foster Care Liaison

  • Mr. Lucas Smith - Coordinator of Alternative Education, Transitional Living/Homeless Coordinator, & Foster Care Liaison

  • Phone Number: 573-842-2270 

Additional questions may be directed to the Office for Instructional Services.

  • Michael Henson - Executive Director Elementary Education

  • Phone Number- 573-842-2052

Title I Building Plans

Copies of Title I Schoolwide Building Plans can be requested directly from the buildings. Additionally, copies can be accessed via the links below.