WSGC & WMS WIN (Grades 6-8)
WIN (What I Need) is a free after-school program and will be offered Monday-Thursday for all students in grades 6-8 beginning Sept. 5, 2023. Transportation home is also available for WIN students who sign up for the after-school activity bus the day prior to attending WIN.

If you would like to contact us with regard to the WIN program for grades 6-8, please click here.
Parents MUST REGISTER their students to stay after school for the WIN program! WIN enrollment forms are electronic. You can access a link to the enrollment form for grades 6-8 on the schools’ websites or go to the WIN enrollment form directly at this link.
This form must be completed before students are allowed to stay after school for any WIN activity -- regardless of when the student begins to stay after school.
A free after-school super snack will be provided for students in the WIN program.
Beginning December 4, 2023, all 6th grade students signed up for WIN clubs/activities will be escorted to WMS by 6th grade teachers between 2:40 and 2:50 pm. This includes students who need academic assistance but also want to attend WIN clubs/activities. They will receive their after-school snack at WMS. At 3 pm students will either join a WIN club/activity or attend academic assistance. Students staying for academic assistance will have access to a 6th grade teacher at WMS. After AA, 6th grade students will be able to join WIN clubs/activities.
Each building will share weekly sign-up links beginning the first week of school. Students will need to sign up for an activity bus at a time designated by each building. For WMS students this is at least one day before. For WSGC students it is the week prior. Before a student can sign up, however, a parent must complete the WIN enrollment form. (See info above.) Students who do not sign up for an activity bus will not be guaranteed a seat.
WIN ends at 5:00 pm each day with buses loading at 5:15 pm and departing from WMS once loaded. If you are planning to pick up your child from WIN, please arrive at 5:00 pm in the parking lot next to the tennis courts.
Transportation home will be offered Monday-Thursday for students staying after for WIN and bus routes/stops will be limited, similar to, but not the same as, snow routes.
Buses will be shared between 6th-12th grade students. The activity bus for students who participate in the WIN program is scheduled to depart WMS after they have been loaded, so they can arrive at 5:30 pm for WHS WIN dismissal.
Students planning to stay for WIN for any reason MUST sign up using the weekly form. More information will be sent out to students during the first week of school regarding weekly sign-up deadline dates.
Students will NOT be able to stay after school for WIN activities until they have completed the initial WIN enrollment form.
The Waynesville Middle School & Waynesville Sixth Grade Center WIN programs are a safe, fun, and academically engaging environment for students to spend their time after school is dismissed in the afternoons. Located in Waynesville Middle School, for 6th through 8th graders, students can participate in a variety of self-selected activities.
Academic support is a benefit of the WIN program, providing students with the opportunity to complete homework and make-up for missing assignments. Academic support is provided by educators and tutors who are available to clarify assignments and lessons, facilitating a positive and productive atmosphere. Teachers have regularly scheduled academic assistance each week. Students may attend their teacher's scheduled academic assistance, where they can have extra time and receive help from their individual teachers.
After academic obligations are met, students can participate in a variety of club activities. WMDS & WSGC WIN have new clubs yearly, but the clubs offered are ultimately guided by the new ideas of students.
WIN will run Monday-Thursday from 2:45-5:00. The program is open to all students in grades 6-8 and there are no registration fees. Students must sign up for the activities they want to attend WIN. The program will include academic assistance time and privilege time that will run from 2:45-3:45 and club time that will run from 4:00-5:00 pm. Students who stay after for WIN time can ride the activity bus home, if signed up by noon the day before or be picked up. The activity bus departs from WMS at 5:20 pm. "Super Snacks" will be provided for students at the start of WIN.