Nurses Office

Information Graphic

Jackie Henry

Hi!  My name is Nurse Jackie.  I have lived in the area for 11 years and have 3 kids that have grown up in the district.  This will be my fourth year working as a school nurse in the district.  One of the years, I worked as a substitute school nurse, working at all of the schools in the district, and WECC is the best!  Please do not hesitate to call or email with any questions or concerns!

Jackie Henry, RN
Office: (573) 842-2650 Ext. 2662

Sick Day Guidelines

Should I keep my child home or send him or her to school?

School policy (and/or state law) requires a child to stay home if he or she:

  • Has a fever of 100 degrees or higher

  • Has been vomiting or has diarrhea

  • Has symptoms that keep your child from participating in school, such as:

    • Very tired or lack of appetite

    • Cough that he or she cannot control

    • Headache, body aches or ear ache

    • Sore throat-a little sore throat is OK for school, but a bad sore throat could be strep throat, even if there is no fever. Other signs of strep throat in children include a headache, upset stomach, or skin rash. Call your doctor if your child has these signs. A special test is needed to know if it is strep throat.

    • Keep your child home if he or she is coughing or sneezing often because this easily and quickly spreads sickness to others.

*ANTIBIOTICS: Keep your child home until 24 hours after the first dose of antibiotics. This is so the child can be monitored at home for possible reactions to new medications.

We often have many children with colds coming to school, and each one is passing their sickness to others. Please help others from becoming sick by keeping your child home. 

For more information, or if you have questions, please contact your school nurse.