About Us

Thayer Elementary
15392 Thayer Rd
Fort Leonard Wood, MO  65473
Phone:  573-842-2200
FAX:  573-433-2971

Thayer Elementary School serves students in kindergarten through fifth grade at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.  Thayer is a small, community school where every teacher has a vested interest in each child.  The teachers are highly qualified and strive to provide exciting and engaging curriculum and instruction that meet the needs of our 21st century learners.

We have a history of strong parent volunteer support in our school and look forward to meeting new families from around the world each year. If you would like to join our team and provide volunteer time, please stop by the office to pick up a volunteer background check application and return it to school upon completion.  All volunteers must pass a background check before working with our students.

Welcome! to Thayer Elementary School, a proud member of the Waynesville R-VI School District serving the communities of Waynesville, St. Robert and Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

  • Average Daily Attendance Goal 90%

  • Current Rate 95%