East Elementary Principal - Melissa Childs


Melissa Childs

It is my pleasure and honor to introduce myself as the principal of East Elementary. I am extremely proud and excited to be a part of this K-5 school community and to support our students and families. I began working in the Waynesville R-VI School District in 1996. All three of my children have graduated from the Waynesville School District. I am proud and happy to continue serving the families of this community. 

I view education as a lifelong process. Most importantly, I bring a belief that the students are at the center of all school-related decisions. I am excited to bring my experience, my openness to learn, and my child-centered approach to supporting our students and staff. I encourage you to become involved in every way possible.



Assistant Principal - Alyssa Golden

Assistant Principal headshot

Alyssa Golden 

Welcome to East Elementary School!

I am so excited to be joining the Administration team this year as Assistant Principal.

I began working in this district in 2016 after moving from Sacramento, California where I taught 9 and 10 grade Language Arts in a co-taught classroom. Since I began in the Waynesville R-VI School District, I have taught 9th grade co-taught ELA, coached middle school girls basketball, and middle school track, been an aspiring administrator and an Administrative Intern at Freedom Elementary. While I started my career in secondary grade levels, I have truly enjoyed moving to elementary and getting to be a part of your children’s early years in education. 

I believe that education is a powerful tool that can take your children anywhere they want to go; which is why I am committed to your students receiving a high quality education from Kindergarten through 5th grade. Please do not hesitate to reach out anytime with questions or concerns. 

Alyssa Golden 

Assistant Principal Intern - Joanie Kampmeier


Joanie Kampmeier

Prior to joining East Elementary School, I enjoyed a variety of roles in our district; including being a student K-12, substitute teaching, a K-5 paraprofessional on Fort Leonard Wood, a regular education teacher, third-grade co-teacher, and after-school Administrator. I am very proud to say that I was a military child and grew up here in Waynesville. My son is a second-grade student and is attending East Elementary as well. Some things we like to do are: walking outdoors, watching movies, and visiting different places around the country.

East Elementary would love your involvement and support in your child’s education. We believe in active participation to ensure student success. 

Please feel free to contact me if you ever have questions, concerns, or celebrations!


(573) 842-2176